Isla Vista beach in California has a long history. It is an area close to the campus of the University of Santa Barbara, where Aldous Huxley had been a guest, already a protagonist of psychdelic experiences in the hills of Los Angeles. The trail of drug addicts must be fully followed, as in 1969 AndyContinua a leggere “THE SLEEPING BAG MURDERS”

WHO KILLED Marie Antoinette “Toni” Romo ANSTEY?

Patricia King was born on September 27. On September 27, 1969, the attack on Lake Berryessa was committed by the Zodiac group. The next victim of the organization (Marie Antoinette “Toni” Romo Anstey) was killed close to the ritual date of the spring equnoxium by drowning and inhaling mescaline. The body was concealed in LakeContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED Marie Antoinette “Toni” Romo ANSTEY?”


When the Zodiac Killer anticipated that he would be targeting the woman in the blue house before attempting to poison Daniel Williams, another subliminal message can be sensed besides the Ann Abor trail. In fact, Blue Sea College San Diego was at the center of the mystery of Fritzie Mann’s death in the 1920s andContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED MARY SCOTT?”


Betsy Aardsma was a student at Michigan University in Ann Arbor who later moved to Pennsylvania to follow her boyfriend. The girl was well padded and wore a nice red dress, as if she were meeting someone in the library where she lost her life on November 28, 1969. The victim was killed with aContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED BETSY AARDSMA?”

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