Pleasant Hill Diablo Valley College student Patrizia King was killed on March 5, 1970, strangled with her gym tights. The body was concealed at 321 Golf Club Road near Viking Drive in Contra Costa County. Most of the information on the affair was reported on the site https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-news/the-murder-of-patricia-king. Who else other than George Hill HodelContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED PATRICIA KING?”


While Ed Davis announced the arrest of members of Charles Manson’s gang (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWZJdMtSi84) and Bruce Davis returned to Los Angeles from London, Pleasant Hill, student Elaine Davis was abducted at 158 Pioneer Avenue Walnut Creek in Contra Costa County, on December 1, 1969, as carefully detailed on https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-news/the-murder-of-elaine- davis. Pioneer is a reference toContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED ELAINE DAVIS?”

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