According to https://classic.esquire.com/article/1972/6/1/who-cares-what-happened-to-a-middle-class-hijacker, on January 26, 1972, Merlyn LaVerne St. George hijacked the Mohawk Airlines flight from Albany to New York’s LaGuardia Airport, only to be killed by the FBI to prevent his escape attempt by car with stewardess Eileen McAllister after stepping off the FH-227 plane. Also in this case the Zodiac group hasContinua a leggere “D.B. COOPER COPYCAT PART 4”


Joel Pugh’s death between November 30th and December 1st, 1969 is attributed to be related to the Charles Manson case. The connection between Manson’s group of drifters with London was Bruce Davis, who often went to the London office of Scientology, which is currently located in the street dedicated to Queen Victoria, to represent theContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED JOEL PUGH?”


Valerie Solanas was a feminist who is famous for publishing the SCUM manifesto to express hatred against men, who literally had to be uprooted from the earth. The work is often believed to have parallels with Sigmund Freud’s theory of femininity. Despite her crazy theories, she managed to find a place in the world ofContinua a leggere “VALERIE SOLANAS”


Jerry Brudos è l’ennesimo serial killer manipolato mediante MkUltra per uccidere per conto di organizzazioni esoteriche fra il 1968 ed il 1969. Facendo leva su un passato militare e su pulsioni irrefrenabili, Brudos uccide 4 vittime. 4 come le donne cacciate da Bruto, secondo quanto riportato da Dante nella Divina Commedia. Bruto (il traditore diContinua a leggere “JERRY BRUDOS”


Il torso killer debuttò per la prima volta a Londra, al tempo di Jack lo squartatore, dedicandosi anche lui all’uccisione ed al sezionamento dei cadaveri nel quartiere di Whitechapel, ma le mutilazioni non sono le medesime e questa volta i cadaveri venivano gettati nel fiume Tamigi. Se per Jack lo squartatore fra i sospettati sonoContinua a leggere “IL TORSO KILLER PARTE 1”

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