As reported by https://zodiackiller.net/community/non-zodiac-crimes/george-pimental-1971/ and by https://books.google.it/books?id=QbFEBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA256&lpg=PA256&dq=cosette+ellison&source =bl&ots=0NqmMLRRFd&sig=ACfU3U1a7-, George Pimental was killed on November 8, 1971 in his apartment at 471 Woodrow Avenue in Vallejo. According to former police officer Lyndon E. Lafferty’s team, Pimental was stabbed and mutilated, with his left eye, nose and penis removed. The victim had his throat cut, in pureContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED GEORGE PIMENTAL?”


Sal Mineo was killed on February 12, 1976 with a single stab outside his home located at 8565 Holloway Drive (the same street where Marilyn Monroe resided) in Los Angeles, after getting out of his Chevrolet Chevelle. With the help of policeman Glynn Martin, James Ellroy (whose mother Geneva Hilliker Ellroy was killed by FredContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED SAL MINEO?”


Geneva Odelia Hilliker Ellroy is the mother of writer James Ellroy. She was a nurse for the alcoholic stars of Hollywood and was eliminated in 1958 on a date with the sum of the figures equal to the Masonic No. 33. The woman was raped and strangled, but the investigations did not take off. TheContinua a leggere “GENEVA ODELIA HILLIKER ELLROY”

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