Sal Mineo was killed on February 12, 1976 with a single stab outside his home located at 8565 Holloway Drive (the same street where Marilyn Monroe resided) in Los Angeles, after getting out of his Chevrolet Chevelle. With the help of policeman Glynn Martin, James Ellroy (whose mother Geneva Hilliker Ellroy was killed by Fred Sexton) was able to reconstruct the events at https://www.jamesellroy.net/news/cracking-the-case -of-actor-murdered-sal-mineo /. The case was apparently solved with the indictment of robber Lionel Ray Williams at https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1837213.html. Williams drove a Dodge Colt, held the murder weapon and allegedly confessed to relatives and cellmates, but the modus operandi is not his: for a serial mugger it made no sense to kill someone without robbing him in any case. Even in the robberies there was always an accomplice to make the loud voice, a probable MKULTRA manipulator who had to control Ray and leave him at the first useful opportunity after having a dagger tattooed on his arm. Moreover, the various testimonials are heard at the trial, including the future psychic Monica Merrem, who had promptly reiterated that she had seen a white man with high cheekbones and curls of hair that bounced while running and therefore not a black man with  afro hair. Another witness (a security guard) had seen a Mexican or Italian man who would have fled with full headlights off aboard a yellow Toyota, but Rodney Alcala is excluded, as he was in prison. Mineo had worked in "Rebel Without A Cause" with Nicholas Ray playing the "Switchblade Kid", then worked with Robert Wise (who had collaborated on the film "Citizen Kane" by William Randollph Hearst and Orson Welles), also was the son of a coffin builder (source: https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Mineo,_Sarina) and had just left the Westwood Playhouse Masonic Theater (now owned by Geffen, source: https: / / www.geffenplayhouse.org/about/our-theaters/history/) after rehearsing for the show “P.S. Your Cat Is Dead ””based on the short story by James Kirkwood), in which he played a house rat named Vito. According to Dante's law of retaliation, Mineo had to be killed with a knife (in a simulated robbery) by "Citizen" Lawrence Kane, hitman of the Zodiac group. One of Kane's identities was Larry Cane (the name he reported on his 1976 California license, source: https://lawrencekane.wordpress.com/category/larry-cane/) and the dog (cane in Italian) is the animal that kills the cat, moreover the residence of Eileen Barton (Kane's ex wife) was 8740 Holloway Drive, 2 steps from the crime scene (source: https://books.google.it/books?id=BIEwCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA184&lpg=PA184&dq = eileen + barton + sal + mineo & source = bl & ots = 9hayLUbltA & sig = ACfU3U1QrxDWbiuKEe7D6KFDJU2maHmQbQ & hl = it & sa = X & ved = 2ahUKEwi3vKTrvPT6AhXKKhv0HGnage% 20BAF% 20BAFal &% 20BAFal &% 20BAFal &% 20BAAf .Super-witness Sandy Betts has been investigating Kane a lot for years, in search of her own stalker. It should also be noted that Mineo had shown a certain interest in crime news, having participated in the public in the trial of Charles Manson regarding the massacre of Cielo Drive in 1970, among whose victims was Sharon Tate, wife of the sadistic Roman Polanski (source: https://calisphere.org/item/171bc3a311eb4d8049af6c956b8258aa/). As reported by https://svartrecords.com/en/product/david-hess-the-last-house-on-the-left-ost-lp/1589328, David Hess (David Dante) had produced hits for Mineo himself. This is the same Hess who would later recruit Sam Shamshak to play Polansky, the strangler dressed as Santa Claus, and who would later film "Zodiac Killer", on whose cover there is an eye very similar to that of the Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel, who had lived at 5121 Franklin Avenue in the vicinity of the Mineo murder crime scene. Mineo had even worked for Otto Preminger too. It’s no coincidence that Ubisoft used Marcus Holloway as the protagonist of Watch Dogs 2: it was a subliminal message and in the game the Zodiac Killer appears. Keep in mind the fact that in this videogame there’s the man who drinks a lot of water too, another subliminal message.__

Sal Mineo è stato ucciso il 12 febbraio 1976 con una singola coltellata all’esterno della propria abitazione sita all’8565 di Holloway Drive (stessa strada in cui risiedeva Marilyn Monroe) a Los Angeles, dopo essere sceso dalla propria Chevrolet Chevelle. Con l’aiuto del poliziotto Glynn Martin, James Ellroy (la cui madre Geneva Hilliker Ellroy è stata uccisa da Fred Sexton) è riuscito a ricostruire gli eventi al link https://www.jamesellroy.net/news/cracking-the-case-of-murdered-actor-sal-mineo/ . Il caso è stato apparentemente risolto con l’incriminazione del rapinatore Lionel Ray Williams al link https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1837213.html . Williams guidava una Dodge Colt, deteneva l’arma del delitto e avrebbe confessato a parenti e compagni di cella, ma il modus operandi non è il suo: per un rapinatore seriale non aveva senso uccidere qualcuno senza rapinarlo in ogni caso. Anche nelle rapine c’era sempre e comunque un complice a fare la voce grossa, un probabile manipolatore MKULTRA che doveva controllare Ray e scaricarlo alla prima occasione utile dopo avergli fatto tatuare un pugnale sul braccio. Oltretutto, al processo vengono sentiti i vari testimoni, fra cui la futura sensitiva Monica Merrem, che aveva prontamente ribadito di aver visto un uomo bianco con con gli zigomi alti e riccioli di capelli che rimbalzavano mentre correva e quindi non un uomo di colore coi capelli da afro. Un altro testimone (una guardia giurata) avrebbe visto un uomo messicano o italiano che sarebbe fuggito a fari spenti a bordo di una Toyota gialla, ma si esclude Rodney Alcala, in quanto in cella. Mineo aveva lavorato in “Gioventù bruciata” con Nicholas Ray interpretando lo “Switchblade Kid”, il ragazzo del coltello a serramanico, poi aveva lavorato con Robert Wise (che aveva collaborato al film “Citizen Kane” di William Randollph Hearst ed Orson Welles), inoltre era figlio di un costruttore di bare (fonte: https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Mineo,_Sarina  ) ed era appena uscito dal teatro massonico Westwood Playhouse (oggi di proprietà della Geffen, fonte: https://www.geffenplayhouse.org/about/our-theaters/history/ ) dopo aver fatto le prove per lo spettacolo “P.S. Your Cat Is Dead” (“Il Gatto è morto”, basato sul racconto di James Kirkwood), in cui interpretava un topo d’appartamento (cat burglar) di nome Vito. Per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, Mineo doveva quindi essere ucciso con una coltellata (in una rapina simulata) da “Citizen” Lawrence Kane, sicario del gruppo Zodiac. Una delle identità di Kane era Larry Cane (il nome da lui riportato nella patente californiana del 1976, fonte: https://lawrencekane.wordpress.com/category/larry-cane/ ) ed il cane è l’animale che uccide il gatto, inoltre la residenza di Eileen Barton (ex moglie di Kane) era all’8740 di Holloway Drive , a 2 passi dalla scena del crimine (fonte: https://books.google.it/books?id=BIEwCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA184&lpg=PA184&dq=eileen+barton+sal+mineo&source=bl&ots=9hayLUbltA&sig=ACfU3U1QrxDWbiuKEe7D6KFDJU2maHmQbQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3vKTrvPT6AhXKhv0HHdq_BM8Q6AF6BAgnEAM#v=onepage&q=eileen%20barton%20sal%20mineo&f=false ). Su Kane ha indagato molto la supertestimone Sandy Betts, alla ricerca del proprio stalker. Da notare anche che Mineo aveva dimostrato un certo interesse per le vicende di cronaca nera, avendo partecipato fra il pubblico al processo di Charles Manson in merito all’eccidio di Cielo Drive nel 1970, fra le cui vittime c’era Sharon Tate, moglie del sadico Roman Polanski (fonte: https://calisphere.org/item/171bc3a311eb4d8049af6c956b8258aa/ ). Come riportato da https://svartrecords.com/en/product/david-hess-the-last-house-on-the-left-ost-lp/1589328 , David Hess (David Dante) aveva prodotto hit per Mineo stesso. Trattasi dello stesso Hess che avrebbe poi reclutato Sam Shamshak per interpretare Polansky, lo strangolatore vestito da Babbo Natale, e che avrebbe poi girato “Zodiac Killer”, sulla cui copertina figura un occhio molto simile a quello dello Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel, che aveva vissuto al 5121 di Franklin Avenue nelle vicinanze della scena del crimine dell’omicidio Mineo. Mineo aveva anche lavorato con Otto Preminger. Tenete poi presente anche che la Ubisoft non a caso ha usato come protagonista Marcus Holloway in Watch Dogs 2, videogioco in cui appare anche lo Zodiac Killer con colui che beve tanta acqua, trattasi di una serie di messaggi subliminali.

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