According to https://www.nytimes.com/1972/03/20/archives/braindamaged-girl-found-fatally-stabbed-in-queens.html, 17-year-old Camille Perniola was killed on March 19, 1972 with a single stab wound inside the house where she lived at, located at 90‐27 143th Street in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens in New York near the JFK home condominium, it is not clear whether it was already so called at theContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED CAMILLE PERNIOLA?”


On March 9, 1972 Charlie Chop-Off entered the scene. The serial killer’s name was coined by the media and is based on the mutilations that were done to the victims, all black children killed in the Harlem neighborhood of New York after being stabbed and sodomized. Official investigations lead to a conclusion of the caseContinua a leggere “CHARLIE CHOP-OFF”


Charles Coughlin era un reverendo che condivideva in parte le politiche del New Deal di Franklin Delano Roosevelt, puntando però soprattutto sulla nazionalizzazione della Federal Reserve, in modo da toglierla dalle mani dei banchieri dell’alta finanza internazionale. Coughlin è stato screditato dai media, in quanto la sua rivista “Social Justice” era di chiaro stampo antisemita,Continua a leggere “CHARLES COUGHLIN”

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