According to https://seoklaw.com/boarding-st-louis-to-tulsa-the-unbelievably-true-story-of-american-airlines-flight-119/, on June 23, 1972 a young man under the false identity of Robert Wilson as D.B. Cooper Copycat hijacked American Airlines Flight 119 from St. Louis, Missouri to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The fake Wilson showed a .45 caliber SMG to stewardess Janet Furlong, who gave her flight deck instructions. The fake jazz musician appeared very confused: he didn't know whether to return to St. Louis or to head towards Dallas, in the end he chose St. Louis, demanding $502,500 in ransom along with 5 parachutes and instructions on how to use them. Having received what he requested, the fake Wilson was the victim of an unexpected event: David J. Hanley of Florissant (probably under the influence of MKULTRA) decided to destroy the Cadillac (which he intended to give to his wife) against the plane to stop the hijacking, after hearing about it on the radio. The crazy attempt turned out to be a real disaster: he risked dying, while the Cadillac was completely destroyed. Hanley was even indicted for what happened, but did not go to prison due to his poor physical condition (source: https://www.nytimes.com/1972/12/03/archives/troubles-beset-man-who-drove -car-into-jet-to-block-hijacking.html ), even if in 1976 he tried in vain to step into politics with the Democrats, even aiming for the Presidency (source: https://historicimages.com/products/rrr83413 ). What seemed like the attempt of a madman is actually more of an action scene from a film, given that it is impossible to explain how otherwise the stuntman could have sensationally overcome the security barriers of the airport, which was full of Federals. It is no coincidence that on June 26, 1972, the Cinema Center Films film “Today's Married: Tomorrow's Condolences” directed by Melville Shavelson and starring Peter Wilson was released in Sweden (source: https://www.imdb.com /title/tt0069483/?ref_=adv_li_tt ) and, as gathered by superwitness Sandy Betts, the Cinema Center often appeared during operations conducted by members of the Zodiac group, see for example the operation at Lake Berryessa. Investigating in depth we discover that Robert Wilson's alias was taken from the real Wilson, a theater director who was a family friend of the Rothschilds (source: https://www.chateau-mouton-rothschild.com/label-art/discover-the- artwork/robert-wilson ) and who collaborated with Paolo Soleri (source: https://www.edueda.net/index.php?title=Wilson_Robert ), who had already spent 2 years with Frank Lloyd Wright (source: https:/ /privatebanking.bnpparibas.it/content/bnlpb/it/it/youmanist/magazine/architettura-design/arcologia-paolo-soleri-arcosanti-cosanti.html ), father of the designer of the Franklin Sowden House which had been owned by the real D.B. Cooper George Hill Hodel. Wilson was also mentioned in the letter of the communist Luois Aragon (founder of the Surrealist movement and sympathizer of the Dada movement) to the deceased member of the Minotaure-Zodiac group Andrè Breton (source: https://robertwilson.com/deafman-glance ). Returning to the hijacking, the fake Wilson managed to remain unharmed by the explosion and obtained another Boeing 727 to divert first to Toronto and then to JFK Airport in New York, decorated with zodiac signs by Milton Hebald. The hijacker then jumped from the plane from the skies of Indiana after having lowered the Cooper vane and injured himself, but sensationally did not die despite having never done anything like that before. During the flight he lost both the loot and the weapon, found by farmers in the fields, he was probably destined to die, given that he had $13 in his pocket and his double initials were the 13th letter of the alphabet. Thanks to a fingerprint, the hijacker was identified as Martin J. Mcnally, a former Navy employee from the suburbs of Detroit in Michigan, sentenced to life in prison at Marion Prison in Illinois, but was released in 2010 on probation after a failed escape attempt in 1978. The money that Mcnally had lost would probably have been used for the psychedelic revolution and to confirm this it would be necessary to verify whether the unemployed Mcnally joined the Detroit SDS, under the management of Bill Ayers and Othello, even more so if at a certain point the plane was directed towards Fort Worth, Texas, a city that borders the counties of Denton, Parker, Tarrant and Wise (source: https://law.justia.com/ cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/485/398/399299/ ).__

Secondo https://seoklaw.com/boarding-st-louis-to-tulsa-the-unbelievably-true-story-of-american-airlines-flight-119/ , il 23 giugno 1972 un giovane sotto la falsa identità di Robert Wilson in veste di D.B. Cooper Copycat dirottò il volo 119 dell’American Airlines diretto da St. Louis in Missouri e diretto a Tulsa in Oklahoma. Il finto Wilson mostrò una mitraglietta SMG calibro .45 alla hostess Janet Furlong, a cui fornì istruzioni da dare alla cabina di pilotaggio. Il finto musicista di jazz apparve molto confuso: non sapeva se tornare a St. Louis o se dirigersi verso Dallas, alla fine si decise per St. Louis, chiedendo $502.500 di riscatto assieme a 5 paracadute ed alle istruzioni per usarli. Ricevuto quanto richiesto, il finto Wilson fu vittima di un imprevisto: David J. Hanley di Florissant (sotto probabile influsso di MKULTRA) decise di distruggere la Cadillac (che intendeva regalare alla moglie) contro l’aereo per fermare il dirottamento, dopo averlo sentito alla radio. Il folle tentativo si rivelò essere un vero disastro: lui rischiò di morire, mentre la Cadillac fu completamente distrutta. Hanley fu addirittura incriminato per quanto accaduto, ma non andò in galera a causa delle sue pessime condizioni fisiche (fonte: https://www.nytimes.com/1972/12/03/archives/troubles-beset-man-who-drove-car-into-jet-to-block-hijacking.html ), anche sel nel 1976 tentò invano la scalata politica coi Democratici mirando addirittura alla Presidenza del Consiglio (fonte: https://historicimages.com/products/rrr83413 ). Ciò che sembrò il tentativo di un folle in realtà è più una scena d’azione da film, visto che non si può spiegare come altrimenti lo stuntman possa aver potuto clamorosamente superato le barriere di sicurezza dell’aeroporto, che pullulava di Federali. Non a caso, si scopre che il 26 giugno 1972 sarebbe stato rilasciato in Svezia il film della Cinema Center Films “Oggi sposi: domani condoglianze” diretto da Melville Shavelson e con protagonista Peter Wilson (fonte: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069483/?ref_=adv_li_tt ) e, come ricavato dalla supertestimone Sandy Betts, la Cinema Center comparve spesso durante le operazioni condotte dai membri del gruppo Zodiac, vedi ad esempio l’operazione al lago Berryessa. Indagando a fondo si scopre che l’alias di Robert Wilson fu ricavato dal vero Wilson, direttore teatrale amico di famiglia dei Rothschild (fonte: https://www.chateau-mouton-rothschild.com/label-art/discover-the-artwork/robert-wilson  ) e che collaborò con Paolo Soleri (fonte: https://www.edueda.net/index.php?title=Wilson_Robert ), che aveva già trascorso 2 anni con Frank Lloyd Wright (fonte: https://privatebanking.bnpparibas.it/content/bnlpb/it/it/youmanist/magazine/architettura-design/arcologia-paolo-soleri-arcosanti-cosanti.html ), padre del progettista della Franklin Sowden House che era stata di proprietà del vero D.B. Cooper George Hill Hodel. Wilson fu citato anche nella lettera del comunista Luois Aragon (fondatore del movimento Surrealista e simpatizzante del movimento Dada) al membro defunto del gruppo Minotaure-Zodiac Andrè Breton (fonte: https://robertwilson.com/deafman-glance ).Tornando al dirottamento, il finto Wilson riuscì a rimanere illeso dal botto ed ottenne un altro Boeing 727 da dirottare prima a Toronto e poi al JFK Airport di New York, imperniato di segni zodiacali ad opera di Milton Hebald. Il dirottatore si gettò poi dall’aereo dai cieli dell’Indiana dopo aver fatto abbassare il Cooper vane e si ferì, ma clamorosamente non morì nonostante non l’avesse mai fatto prima. Durante il volo perse sia il bottino che l’arma, ritrovate dai contadini nei campi, probabilmente era destinato a morire, visto che aveva in tasca $13 e le sue doppie iniziali erano la 13a lettera dell’alfabeto. Grazie ad un’impronta digitale, il dirottatore fu identificato in Martin J. Mcnally, ex dipendente della Marina Militare originario della periferia di Detroit in Michigan, condannato all’ergastolo da scontare presso la prigione di Marion in Illinois, ma è stato rilasciato nel 2010 in libertà vigilata dopo un tentativo di fuga fallito nel 1978. Il denaro che Mcnally aveva perso sarebbe probabilmente dovuto servire per la rivoluzione psichedelica e per confermarlo andrebbe verificata un eventuale adesione del disoccupato Mcnally agli SDS di Detroit, sotto la gestione di Bill Ayers e di Otello, a maggior ragione se ad un certo punto l’aereo è stato indirizzato verso Fort Worth, in Texas, città che confina con le contee di Denton, Parker, Tarrant e Wise (fonte: https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/485/398/399299/ ).

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