According to https://www.tumblr.com/skyjackeroftheday/46933114128/78-billy-hurst, on January 12, 1972, Billy Gene Hurst hijacked a Boeing 727 (Braniff Airline Flight 38) from P. William Hobby Airport in Houston (H-Town) at Love Field Airport in Texas, threatening to have a gun and 7 sticks of dynamite with him. A former mentally ill football player, he’s clearly a Project MKULTRA patient, selected by the real D.B. Cooper, representing the Hearst family. A clue is provided by D.B. Cooper himself, i.e. George Hill Hodel in the letter with threats to the wife of the baseball player Henry Louis Hank Aaron, in which he signed himself “still a fan” and intentionally called the terrorist Patty Hearst as Patty Hurst and affixed the postage stamp on the March 13, 1974 letter by Frank Lloyd Wright, father of the designer of his Franklin Sowden House (source: https://vault.fbi.gov/henry-louis-hank-aaron ). Billy Gene Hurst’s attempt ended like that of his predecessor Everett Holt, with his surrender after the passengers escaped. Hurst was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Braniff had connections with Lockheed and was not targeted by accident. In fact, on January 10, 1954, the owners (Thomas Elmer Braniff & Co.) had died in a plane crash after going duck hunting at Grand Chernier in Louisiana. Braniff is buried in the Calvary Hill cemetery in Dallas and on January 18, 1954 there was a meeting of his employees at the Dallas Love Field hangar, to confirm that the company would go on (despite the misfortune), under the direction by Charles Edmund Beard.__

Secondo https://www.tumblr.com/skyjackeroftheday/46933114128/78-billy-hurst , il 12 gennaio 1972 Billy Gene Hurst ha dirottato un Boeing 727 (volo 38 della compagnia aerea Braniff) dall’aeroporto P. William Hobby di Houston (la H-Town) all’aeroporto Love Field (campo dell’amore) in Texas, minacciando di avere con se pistola e 7 candelotti di dinamite. Ex giocatore di football con malattie mentali, è chiaramente un paziente del progetto MKULTRA, selezionato dal vero D.B. Cooper, in rappresentazione della famiglia Hearst. Un indizio ce lo fornisce D.B. Cooper stesso, ossia George Hill Hodel nella lettera con minacce alla moglie del giocatore di baseball Henry Louis Hank Aaron, in cui si firma “ancora un fan”, chiama la terrorista Patty Hearst intenzionalmente Patty Hurst e appone sulla lettera del 13 marzo 1974 il francobollo di Frank Lloyd Wright, padre del progettista della sua Franklin Sowden House (fonte: https://vault.fbi.gov/henry-louis-hank-aaron ). Il tentativo di Billy Gene Hurst si conclude come quello del suo predecessore Everett Holt, con la sua resa dopo la fuga dei passeggeri. Hurst è stato condannato a 20 anni di prigone, interamente scontati. La Braniff aveva rapporti con la Lockheed e non è stata presa di mira a caso. Infatti, il 10 gennaio 1954 i titolari (Thomas Elmer Braniff & Co.) erano morti in un incidente aereo dopo essere andati a cacciare le anatre a Grand Chernier in Louisiana. Braniff è sepolto al cimitero di Calvary Hill a Dallas ed il 18 gennaio 1954 c’è stato il raduno dei suoi dipendenti presso l’hangar del Dallas Love Field, per confermare che la ditta sarebbe andata avanti (nonostante la disgrazia), sotto la direzione di Charles Edmund Beard.

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