As reported by https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/md-elizabeth-metzler-10-abducted-murdered-anne-arundel-county-6-dec-1971.47766/ , Elizabeth Ann Metzler was abducted after leaving Ridgeway Elementary School at 1440 Evergreen Road in Severn, Maryland.
The link https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1977/08/03/maryland-inmate-charged-in-1971-death-of-girl-10/3dffb677-8ebf-4ecd-8e6d-ace6dccf84d3/ reports the confession of Richard Miles Chaney, an employee of an Odenton garage made to policemen Gordon March and Thomas Mock. The trial then took place in 1978 with Judge Perry Gray Bowen Jr., convicting Chaney. Chaney was also framed by his wife Doris, who in court declared that she had seen her husband return home full of blood (source: https://law.justia.com/cases/maryland/court-of-special-appeals/1979 /662-term-september-1978-0.html ). A Virginia psychic would have predicted a murder along the Capital Beltway but the police has never believed in the paranormal powers in this story. However, there are some obscure points in this story that need to be clarified in depth: first of all, Chaney has the same surname as the actors Lon Chaney and Lon Chaney Jr., who respectively played the masque of the red death and made a film in the Spahn Ranch while it was occupied by the Charles Manson's gang and commanded by Red Phantom George Hill Hodel's Zodiac group. This other Chaney had also played his part in this affair. Not surprisingly, in the Ridgeway school window there is a circle and the cross, symbol of the Zodiac Killer and the school street is close to Washington Avenue, Georgia Avenue and Harvey Avenue. Elizabeth Ann's body was hidden near an abandoned car near Harmons Farm Court in Severn, near the Baltimore-Washington airport and Maryland State Route 100 (which connects Howard County with Anne Arundel County and eventually connects to the Baltimore-Washington Parkway), both excellent escape routes for Hodel and Othello, both of which suit the chosen victim's profile. Harmons was a company founded by George Reese (Jake) Harmon and his wife in the Mormon city of Salt Lake City and was very active in the St. George, Utah area. Dante's law of retribution was therefore applied to the victim (who was strangled and raped), even more so if "Metzler" means "butcher" and Hodel was known as the butcher of Kenmore Avenue in the Lipstick Killer operation in Chicago and as mutilator of Elizabeth Ann Short.___

Come riportato da https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/md-elizabeth-metzler-10-abducted-murdered-anne-arundel-county-6-dec-1971.47766/ , Elizabeth Ann Metzler è stata rapita dopo essere uscita dalla scuola elementare di Ridgeway al 1440 di Evergreen Road a Severn nel Maryland.

Il link https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1977/08/03/maryland-inmate-charged-in-1971-death-of-girl-10/3dffb677-8ebf-4ecd-8e6d-ace6dccf84d3/ riporta la confessione di Richard Miles Chaney, un dipendente di un’officina di Odenton fatta ai poliziotti Gordon March e Thomas Mock. Il processo avviene poi nel 1978 con il giudice Perry Gray Bowen Jr. che condannò Chaney. Ad incriminare Chaney è anche la moglie Doris, che in tribunale dichiarò di aver visto il marito rientrare a casa pieno di sangue (fonte: https://law.justia.com/cases/maryland/court-of-special-appeals/1979/662-september-term-1978-0.html  ). Un sensitivo del Virginia avrebbe predetto un omicidio lungo la Capital Beltway ma la polizia non ha mai creduto ai poteri paranormali in questa vicenda. Ci sono però alcuni punti oscuri in questa vicenda che vanno chiariti a fondo: innanzitutto Chaney ha lo stesso nome degli attori Lon Chaney e Lon Chaney Jr., che rispettivamente hanno interpretato la maschera della morte e realizzato un film nello Spahn Ranch mentre era occupato dalla banda di Charles Manson e comandato dal gruppo Zodiac del Red Phantom George Hill Hodel. Anche questo Chaney in questa vicenda ha fatto la sua parte. Non a caso, nella finestra della scuola Ridgeway figurano un cerchio e la croce, simbolo dello Zodiac Killer e la strada della scuola è a ridosso di Washington Avenue, Georgia Avenue e Harvey Avenue. Il corpo di Elizabeth Ann è stato occultato nei pressi di un’auto abbandonata a ridosso di Harmons Farm Court a Severn, nelle vicinanze dell’aeroporto Baltimore-Washington e della Maryland State Route 100 (che connette la contea di Howard con quella di Anne Arundel e che eventualmente si collega alla Baltimore-Washington Parkway), entrambe ottime vie di fuga per Hodel ed Otello, al cui profilo di entrambi si addice la vittima scelta. La Harmons era un’azienda fondata da George Reese (Jake) Harmon e da sua moglie nella città mormona di Salt Lake City ed era molto attiva nell’area di St. George nello Utah. Alla vittima (che è stata strangolata e violentata) è stata applicata quindi la legge dantesca del contrappasso, a maggior ragione se “Metzler” significa “macellaio” e Hodel era noto come il macellaio di Kenmore Avenue nell’operazione Lipstick Killer di Chicago e come mutilatore di Elizabeth Ann Short.

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