As reported by https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/md-grace-gay-montanye-16-baltimore-29-sept-1971.338696/ and by https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Keepers /comments/6g9lfe/third_murder_that_wasnt_included_in_documentary/ , Franklin Sr. High School cheerleader and student (CO-ED) Grace Elizabeth Montaye was lured by a guy who drove a blue Ford Mustang and who offered her a job as a model. Finalist of the Miss Reistertown beauty pageant, unfortunately Grace did not decline the offer. The Mustang is a car that initially used a starting platform of the Ford Falcon, created during the Ford presidency by Robert McNamara (source: https://www.automotivehalloffame.org/honoree/robert-s-mcnamara-2/ ). McNamara is famous for having been Secretary of Defense in the JFK and Johnson Governments and then President of the World Bank based at 1818 H Street in Washington DC (source: https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/contacts ) and advocate of world depopulation (source: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-population-control-holocaust). As reported by https://ricerca.gelocal.it/ilpiccolo/archivio/ilpiccolo/2004/09/09/NZ_12_NAMA.html
McNamara would later marry the countess and oenologist Diana Maseri Di Crezzo, born in the US military base of Aviano in Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and previously married to CIA agent Ernest Byfield. Before marrying Diana, the San Francisco native McNamara was married to Ruth Warrick, who starred in Citizen Kane with Orson Welles and William Randollph Hearst. How small the world is, but let's go back to the Montanye case. It was not necessary for the kidnapper to be affiliated with Playboy, as despite the presence of the club (source: https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/section/artsentertainment/baltimore-playboy-clubs-50th-anniversary/ ), the victim wasn’t raped. However, the kidnapper was affiliated with the Zodiac group. However, there are signs of torture by cigarette burns, a technique used by George Hill Hodel (former resident of Franklin Sowden House) and Fred Sexton (creator of the "Maltese Falcon" statuette) on various occasions, especially in the double killing of Nancy and Hazel Frome. However, the lethal blow was inflicted with a brick, a symbol of Masonic masonry, so we follow the trail of the buildings indicated by super-witness Sandy Betts. Grace's body was hidden near the Mount Auburn cemetery located at 2630 Waterview Avenue in Baltimore, a street bordering Annapolis Road and near Cherry Hill. Based on statements by former Bridgewater Hospital director Ames Robey, note the indelible signature of Ann Arbor CO-ED Killer and Strangler Peter Howard Denton, a former Harvard student and native of Cambridge. It should be borne in mind that Jane Mixer's body in 1969 had been hidden inside the Denton cemetery and also that there is a cemetery of its own name Mount Auburn located between Cambridge and Watertown, where Jacob Bigelow, former Harvard professor & Washington Tower designer, is buried. Near the cemetery there is a sphinx and a Ben Franklin monument on Pine Avenue. Peeking through the pines reveals the truth in this case too, a further insight taken from the letter relating to the kidnapping of Donna Ann Lass.___

Come riportato da https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/md-grace-gay-montanye-16-baltimore-29-sept-1971.338696/  e da https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Keepers/comments/6g9lfe/third_murder_that_wasnt_included_in_documentary/ , la cheerleader e studentessa (CO-ED) della Franklin Sr. High School (scuola in onore del rosacroce dell’Hellfire Club satanista Benjamin Franklin) Grace Elizabeth Montaye è stata uccisa il 29 settembre 1971 dopo essere stata adescata da un ragazzo che guidava una Ford Mustang blu e che le aveva offerto un lavoro come modella. Finalista del concorso di bellezza Miss Reistertown, purtropo Grace non ha declinato l’offerta. La Mustang è un auto che inizialmente usava una piattaforma di partenza della Ford Falcon, nata durante la presidenza Ford da parte di Robert McNamara (fonte: https://www.automotivehalloffame.org/honoree/robert-s-mcnamara-2/ ). McNamara è celebre per essere stato segretario della Difesa nei Governi JFK e Johnson e poi presidente della Banca Mondiale con sede al 1818 di H Street a Washington DC (fonte: https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/contacts )e sostenitore del depopolamento mondiale (fonte: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-population-control-holocaust ). Come riportato da https://ricerca.gelocal.it/ilpiccolo/archivio/ilpiccolo/2004/09/09/NZ_12_NAMA.html

,McNamara si sarebbe in seguito sposato con la contessa ed enologa Diana Maseri Di Crezzo, nata nella base militare statunitense di Aviano in Friuli-Venezia-Giulia ed in precedenza sposata con l’agente CIA Ernest Byfield.  Prima di sposarsi con Diana, il nativo di San Francisco McNamara era sposato con Ruth Warrick, che aveva recitato ne “Il Quarto Potere (Citizen Kane)” con Orson Welles e William Randollph Hearst. Com’è piccolo il mondo, ma torniamo al caso Montanye. Non era necessario per il sequestratore essere affiliato a Playboy, in quanto nonostante la presenza del club (fonte: https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/section/artsentertainment/baltimore-playboy-clubs-50th-anniversary/ ), la vittima non è stata stuprata. Il sequestratore era però affiliato al gruppo Zodiac. Risultano però dei segni di tortura mediante bruciature di sigaretta, tecnica usata da George Hill Hodel (ex residente della Franklin Sowden House) e Fred Sexton (ideatore della statuetta del “Maltese Falcon”) in varie occasioni, specialmente nella duplice uccisione di Nancy e Hazel Frome. Il colpo letale è stato inferto però con un mattone, simbolo della muratoria massonica, quindi si segue la pista delle costruzioni indicata dalla supertestimone Sandy Betts. Il cadavere di Grace è stato occultato a ridosso del cimitero Mount Auburn sito al 2630 di Waterview Avenue a Baltimora, via confinante con Annapolis Road e nei pressi di Cherry Hill. In base alle dichiarazioni dell’ex direttore del Bridgewater Hospital Ames Robey,  si nota la firma indelebile del CO-ED Killer e strangolatore di Ann Arbor Peter Howard Denton, ex studente di Harvard nativo di Cambridge. Va tenuto presente che il cadavere di Jane Mixer nel 1969 era stato occultato all’interno del cimitero Denton ed inoltre che c’è un cimitero proprio di nome Mount Auburn situato fra Cambridge e Watertown, dov’è sepolto Jacob Bigelow, ex professore di Harvard progettista della Washington Tower. Nei pressi del cimitero è sita una sfinge ed un monumento di Ben Franklin in Pine Avenue. Cercando attraverso i pini si scopre la verità anche in questo caso, un ulteriore spunto ricavato dalla lettera relativa al rapimento di Donna Ann Lass.

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