As reported on https://www.nytimes.com/1981/11/17/obituaries/william-holden-dead-at-63-won-oscar-for-stalag-17.html and from https: // www. upi.com/Archives/1981/11/17/Oscar- winner- actor-William-Holden-was-killed-in-a-drunken/5053176822304/, actor William Holden died on 12 November 1981 following a fall in which he hit his head against a  night table. According to media reports, after coroner Thomas Noguchi's autopsy, the case was hastily dismissed as an accident caused by the victim's severe intoxication. Taking a cue from the book "Catcher In The Rye" by J.D. Salinger, Dante's law of retaliation would therefore be applied to cover up a crime that was actually perfect. Holden in his youth had worked with Humprey Bogart and Richard Fleischer and was convicted of causing the death of Valerio Giorgio Novelli during a 1966 car accident in Migliarino near Pisa and along the Autostrada del Sole, but the penalty had been suspended (source: https://cdnc.ucr.edu/?a=d&d=DS19671026.2.19&e=-------it-20--1--txt-txIN------ - -). This could be proof that Holden could have worked accordingly for the CIA and therefore he could not be incarcerated. Holden was also a witness to the wedding of US President and MKULTRA Freemason Ronald Reagan, who was wounded on March 30, 1981 by John Hinckley Jr. (son of a Vanderbilt employee), in retaliation by a belover of the book on "The Young Holden", in which references to the Biltmore Hotel in honor of the Vanderbilts. It was therefore not suprising that Holden had to be sacrificed, in this Masonic context manipulated by the Bushes and the Vanderbilts. Holden had also worked on Otto Preminger's "The Moon Is Blue," which anticipated the Club 27 murders and the CIA's Operation Bluemoon. In that movie Holden played an architect named Donald who tries to seduce a woman named Patty. Not surprisingly, then in 1976 Holden would star in "Network (Fifth Power)", a film in which the character played by Peter Finch is killed by members of the Symbionese Liberation Army of the terrorist Patty Hearst. This is the same Finch who actually died in January 1977 following a heart attack, as well as Oliver Carter, the judge who would otherwise have tried Hearst. It deals with silent assassination techniques at that time by the services being tested and by the Zodiac group in support of the Symbionese Army. In the last film in which he starred entitled "S.O.B." directed by Blake Edwards, Holden is one of 3 friends who steals the corpse from the funeral home, replacing it with that of an actor who died on a beach. The 3 characters celebrate a Viking funeral on a burning rubber dinghy. We consider that Holden hit his head against a bedside table on November 12, 1981 (most likely he did it against a wooden one) in Ocean Drive in Santa Monica, a building designed by architect A. Quincy Jones, very close to Walter Annenberg (source: http://www.islandconnections.com/edit/william_holden.htm). According to coroner Thomas Noguchi, the last to see Holden alive was actor Glenn Ford, son of Hannah Wood. Holden was engaged to Stefanie Powers, who at the time was conducting "Hart To Hart" with Robert Wagner, the husband of Natalie Wood, who died on November 29, 1981 in the ocean of Santa Catalina Island after drowning near Avalon, the city where the diva Marilyn Monroe had lived. Wagner was therefore the greatest beneficiary of the deaths of both victims: he was in fact very close to Powers (source: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/hart-to-hart-stefanie-powers-robert-wagner-natalie- wood-william-holden) and Holden's death occurred on a date with the sum of the digits equal to 6, the major arcana of lovers in the RWS deck. Wagner's attitude was certainly not serious, as soon after his wife’s death he officially engaged himself to Jill St. John, his future wife (source: https://www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/robert-wagner-and-jill-st -john), but the strong powers and government apparatuses (sources: https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/audiovisual/white-house-photo-collection-galleries/meeting-celebrities
 and https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/08/fatal-voyage-podcast-shocking-claims-robert-wagner-ties-natalie-wood-death-covered-up-by-ronald-reagan/ https: / /www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/natalie-wood-death-ear-witness-boat-264248/
 ) are all in defense of Wagner and this makes him untriable, even more so if he cannot be indicted through DNA, credible testimonies and there isn’t a written confession. Wagner had contacts with both Fleischer and Edwards, so he could get to Holden, also on the boat he could have easily gotten away with it, given the high alcohol content of those present on the boat "Splendour", a small yacht in honor of the film "Splendour On The Grass" which represented the union of the 2 Ws (Wagner and Wood), so Wagner sold the boat in 1986. The current owner is Rob Nelson, who at the link https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2817194/Yacht-Natalie-Wood-mysteriously-drowned-sale-new-owner-claims-West-Story- actress-haunts-it.html reported that the spirit of Natalie is still present on the boat, who evidently wants to convey messages to do justice. In the video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjJ4-s-JkWI it can be seen that it was impossible to accidentally fall into the water and the dinghy was also thrown into the water to simulate an escape attempt by the victim. The link https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2000/3/natalie-woods-fatal-voyage reports the quarrel between the spouses, with Wood allegedly breaking a glass and dying under Dante's law of retaliation, as she could not swim and had already had a similar accident, right in the movie "Splendor On The Grass". A husband knew these things and could plan everything to end the life of the rebel. To hear the screams of the victim from the ship "Capricorn" (same zodiac sign of Howard Hughes) were John Payne (lawyer of the same name of an actor who had acted with Wood) and his wife Marilyn Wayne, but the investigations are cold. Coroner Thomas Noguchi, who changed jobs after performing Holden and Wood's autopsies, payed for popular criticism. Satanist Kenneth Anger, who wrote 2 letters to Wagner asking for updates on the case, on 1 and 8 December 1981, the last one year after the anniversary of John Lennon's death, demonstrates a particular interest in the story. Lennon’s death was the work of Mark David Chapman, who knew Anger and who acted close to the Dakota palace, where the satanist Aleister Crowley would have performed satanic rites. The letters are visible at the links https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FIMG_7369-scaled.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A% 2F% 2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com% 2Fpopt-shop% 2Fkenneth-anger-1981-small-lot-of-correspondence-ref-to-crowley-the-great-beast% 2F & tbnid = Bbv1Se8TVfJLEM & vet = 12ahUKEwjZte.. = 1920 & q = natalie% 20wood% 20kenneth% 20anger & hl = it & client = firefox-b-d & ved = 2ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygGegQIARBC and https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt%ps%2Feasplan2.com % 2Fuploads% 2F2020% 2F07% 2FIMG_7368-scaled.jpg & imgrefurl = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com% 2Fpopt-shop% 2Fkenneth-anger-1981-small-lot-of-personal-correspondence-photo% 2F & tpr9 PM = 12ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygIegQIARBH..i & docid = zfxn90mqQDGikM & w = 2560 & h = 2477 & q = natalie% 20wood% 20kenneth% 20anger & hl = it & client = fireQKhfox-b-dcE2Wh MygIegQIARBH and denote the devotion to Crowley by Anger, who was trying to communicate between the lines to Wagner (called with the occasion Hertl to throw off the investigators) who was monitoring him and therefore, consequently, had to keep his mouth shut. Wagner had been engaged to Tina Sinatra, the daughter of Frank, who had been engaged to the satanist Gloria Vanderbilt and had participated as an actor in the film "Manchurian Candidate", the prototype of the killers programmed by the CIA using MKULTRA. Not surprisingly, due to Dante's law of retaliation, Wood and Christopher Walken (also on the ship) were shooting the film "Brainstorm" directed by Douglas Trumbull and based on the recording of people's sensations, in order to let other subjects experience them, even for military purposes. It is also interesting to note that Katie Wagner (daughter of Robert) got engaged to Dweezil Zappa (son of Frank Zappa, founder of Z Studios) and had a meeting with Julian Lennon, son of John Lennon (source: https: // www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/katie-wagner).

Come riportato da https://www.nytimes.com/1981/11/17/obituaries/william-holden-dead-at-63-won-oscar-for-stalag-17.html e da https://www.upi.com/Archives/1981/11/17/Oscar-winning-actor-William-Holden-was-killed-in-a-drunken/5053176822304/ , l’attore William Holden è morto il 12 novembre 1981 in seguito ad una caduta in cui ha battuto la testa contro un comodino. Secondo i media, dopo l’autopsia del coroner Thomas Noguchi, il caso è stato frettolosamente archiviato come un incidente causato dalla forte ubriachezza della vittima. Prendendo spunto dal libro “Il Giovane Holden” di J.D. Salinger si sarebbe quindi stata applicata la legge dantesca del contrappasso per insabbiare un crimine in realtà perfetto. Holden in gioventù aveva lavorato con Humprey Bogart e Richard Fleischer ed era stato condannato per aver causato la morte di Valerio Giorgio Novelli durante un incidente d’auto del 1966 a Migliarino nei pressi di Pisa e lungo l’autostrada del Sole, ma la pena è stata sospesa (fonte: https://cdnc.ucr.edu/?a=d&d=DS19671026.2.19&e=——-en–20–1–txt-txIN——– ). Ciò potrebbe essere la prova che Holden lavorasse effettivamente per la CIA e, di conseguenza, non poteva essere incarcerato. Holden era anche stato testimone di nozze del Presidente statunitense e massone dell’MKULTRA Ronald Reagan, che il 30 marzo 1981 era stato ferito da John Hinckley Jr., per contrappasso un amante del libro su “Il Giovane Holden”, in cui compaiono riferimenti al Biltmore Hotel in onore dei Vanderbilt. Era nell’aria quindi che Holden sarebbe stato sacrificato, in questo contesto massonico manovrato dai Bush e dai Vanderbilt. Holden aveva anche lavorato al film “The Moon Is Blue” di Otto Preminger, che anticipava i delitti del Club 27 e l’Operazione Bluemoon della CIA. In quel film Holden interpretava un architetto di nome Donald che tenta di sedurre una donna di nome Patty.  Non a caso, poi nel 1976 Holden avrebbe recitato in “Network (Quinto Potere)”, un film in cui il personaggio interpretato da Peter Finch viene ucciso dai membri dell’Esercito di Liberazione Simbionese della terrorista Patty Hearst. Trattasi dello stesso Finch che sarebbe morto realmente nel gennaio 1977 in seguito ad una crisi cardiaca, così come Oliver Carter, il giudice che avrebbe processato la Hearst. Trattasi di tecniche di assassinio silenziose che stavano venendo sperimentate in quel periodo dai servizi segreti e dal gruppo Zodiac a sostegno dei Simbionesi. Nell’ultimo film in cui ha recitato dal titolo “S.O.B.” con regia di Blake Edwards, Holden è uno dei 3 amici che trafuga il cadavere dall’impresa di pompe funebri , sostituendolo con quello di un attore morto su una spiaggia.I 3 celebrano un funerale vichingo su un gommone in fiamme. Se consideriamo che Holden quel 12 novembre 1981 ha sbattuto la testa contro un comodino, (molto probabilmente lo ha fatto contro uno di legno) in quel di Ocean Drive a Santa Monica, uno stabile progettato dall’architetto A. Quincy Jones, molto legato a Walter Annenberg (fonte: http://www.islandconnections.com/edit/william_holden.htm ). Secondo il coroner Thomas Noguchi, l’ultimo a vedere in vita Holden è stato l’attore Glenn Ford, figlio di Hannah Wood. Holden era fidanzato con Stefanie Powers, che all’epoca conduceva “Cuore e batticuore” con Robert Wagner, il marito di Natalie Wood (=legno), deceduta il 29 novembre 1981 nell’oceano dell’Isola di Santa Catalina dopo essere annegata nei pressi di Avalon, città in cui aveva vissuto la diva Marilyn Monroe. Wagner era quindi il maggior beneficiario della morte di entrambe le vittime: era infatti molto legato alla Powers (fonte: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/hart-to-hart-stefanie-powers-robert-wagner-natalie-wood-william-holden ) e la morte di Holden è avvenuta in una data con somma delle cifre pari a 6, l’arcano maggiore degli amanti nel mazzo RWS. L’atteggiamento di Wagner era certamente poco serio, in quanto poco dopo si è finanzato ufficialmente con Jill St. John, futura moglie (fonte: https://www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/robert-wagner-and-jill-st-john ), ma i poteri forti e gli apparati governativi (fonti: https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/audiovisual/white-house-photo-collection-galleries/meeting-celebrities

 e https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/08/fatal-voyage-podcast-shocking-claims-robert-wagner-ties-natalie-wood-death-covered-up-by-ronald-reagan/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/natalie-wood-death-ear-witness-boat-264248/

 ) sono tutti in difesa di Wagner e questo lo rende improcessabile, a maggior ragione se non si può incriminarlo mediante DNA, testimonianze credibili oppure e non esiste una sua confessione scritta. Wagner aveva contatti sia con Fleischer che con Edwards, pertanto poteva arrivare ad Holden, inoltre sulla barca poteva farla franca, visto l’alto tasso alcolemico dei presenti sulla barca “Splendour”, un piccolo yacht in onore del film “Splendour On The Grass” che rappresentava l’unione delle 2 W (Wagner e Wood), perciò Wagner ha venduto la barca nel 1986.Il proprietario attuale è Rob Nelson, che al link https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2817194/Yacht-Natalie-Wood-mysteriously-drowned-sale-new-owner-claims-West-Story-actress-haunts-it.html ha riferito che sulla barca è ancora presente lo spirito di Natalie, che evidentemente vuole veicolare dei messaggi per fare giustizia. Nel video su https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjJ4-s-JkWI si può vedere che era impossibile cadere in acqua accidentalmente e anche il gommone è stato gettato in acqua per simulare un tentativo di fuga della vittima. Il link https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2000/3/natalie-woods-fatal-voyage riporta il litigio fra i coniugi, con la Wood che avrebbe rotto un bicchiere e che è morta per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, in quanto non sapeva nuotare ed aveva già avuto un incidente simile, proprio nel film “Splendour On The Grass”. Un marito queste cose le sapeva e poteva pianificare il tutto per porre fine alla vita della ribelle. A sentire le urla della vittima dalla nave “Capricorn” (stesso segno zodiacale di Howard Hughes) erano John Payne (avvocato omonimo di un attore che aveva recitato con la Wood) e la moglie Marilyn Wayne, ma le indagini sono ferme. A pagare per le critiche popolari è il coroner Thomas Noguchi, che cambia mestiere dopo aver eseguito le autopsie di Holden e Wood. A dimostrare un particolare interesse per la vicenda è il satanista Kenneth Anger, che ha scritto 2 lettere a Wagner per chiedere aggiornamenti sul caso, in data 1 e 8 dicembre 1981, l’ultima ad un anno dall’anniversario della morte di John Lennon ad opera di Mark David Chapman, che conosceva Anger e che ha agito a ridosso del palazzo Dakota, in cui il satanista Aleister Crowley avrebbe fatto dei riti satanici. Le lettere sono visibili ai link https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FIMG_7369-scaled.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com%2Fpopt-shop%2Fkenneth-anger-1981-small-lot-of-correspondence-ref-to-crowley-the-great-beast%2F&tbnid=Bbv1Se8TVfJLEM&vet=12ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygGegQIARBC..i&docid=j0FKME6G5oRscM&w=2560&h=1920&q=natalie%20wood%20kenneth%20anger&hl=it&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygGegQIARBC e https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FIMG_7368-scaled.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpleasuresofpasttimes.com%2Fpopt-shop%2Fkenneth-anger-1981-small-lot-of-personal-correspondence-photo%2F&tbnid=VjRp9PDHMDr-PM&vet=12ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygIegQIARBH..i&docid=zfxn90mqQDGikM&w=2560&h=2477&q=natalie%20wood%20kenneth%20anger&hl=it&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjZte-czan7AhWNmKQKHe2DCcEQMygIegQIARBH e si denota la devozione a Crowley da parte di Anger, che cercava di comunicare fra le righe a Wagner (chiamato con l’occasione Hertl per depistare gli inquirenti) che lo stava controllando e quindi, di conseguenza, doveva tenere la bocca chiusa. Wagner era stato fidanzato con Tina Sinatra, la figlia di Frank, che era stato fidanzato con la satanista Gloria Vanderbilt ed aveva partecipato come attore al film “Manchurian Candidate”, prototipo dei killer programmati dalla CIA mediante MKULTRA. Non a caso, per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, la Wood e Christopher Walken (anche lui sulla nave) stavano girando il film “Brainstorm” diretto da Douglas Trumbull e basato sulla registrazione delle sensazioni delle persone, in modo da farle sperimentare ad altri soggetti, anche per scopi militari. E’ interessante anche notare che Katie Wagner (figlia di Robert) si è fidanzata con Dweezil Zappa (figlio di Frank Zappa, fondatore degli Z Studios) ed ha avuto un incontro con Julian Lennon, figlio di John Lennon (fonte: https://www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/katie-wagner )

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