Beatles member John Lennon was wounded on December 8, 1980 outside the Dakota Hotel in New York, then he died at Roosevelt Hospital. The self-confessed killer and offender (Mark David Chapman) was a Satanist programmed by MKULTRA, recruited because 2409 is a main belt asteroid. Chapman promptly got caught after firing 5 rounds of aContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED JOHN LENNON?”


Il caso del killer dell’A6 ha movimento per anni l’opinione pubblica inglese. Siamo nel 1962 (date con somma delle cifre pari a 29 e 30) e una coppietta (Valerie Storie e Michael Gregsten) viene tenuta in ostaggio da un misterioso sadico a bordo della propria Morris Minor. Armato di calibro 38, il pazzo appare pocoContinua a leggere “IL KILLER DELL’A6”

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