According to https://www.newspapers.com/article/83509634/john-hopkins/ , Joanne Palma Pecheone was killed on January 12, 1972 in a hilly area of Utica in the Mohawk Valley in New York. The victim was tied to a tree with shoelaces (or rope?) applied to the wrists and with rawhide (“Rawhide”, as in the TV series starring Clint Eastwood, who inContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED JOANNE PALMA PECHEONE?”


John Emil List was of German descent and was arrested in 1989 after 18 years on the run for the November 9, 1971 massacre of his family at the Breeze Knoll home at 431 Hillside Avenue in Westfield, New Jersey. List left a confession letter addressed to the pastor at home and was framed byContinua a leggere “JOHN EMIL LIST”


As reported by https://allthatsinteresting.com/alphabet-murders, Carmen Colon was kidnapped on November 16, 1971. A resident of the Bull’s Head neighborhood of Rochester, the victim was then killed by the Alphabet Killer, after being strangled, stripped and raped. Suspicions center on Miguel Colon, the victim’s uncle who had fled to Puerto Rico 4 days after the crimeContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED CARMEN COLON?”


Anche l’ #alphabetkiller di Rochester(contiene rose) agiva per conto della massoneria rosacrociana ed ha ucciso 3 ragazzine dalle doppie iniziali fra il ’71 ed il ’73, occultandone i corpi in località recanti la stessa iniziale delle vittime. E’ probabile che i killer fossero almeno 2, sia per il modus operandi in parte diverso del 1°Continua a leggere “ALPHABET KILLER”

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