On June 16, 2023, unfortunately, Daniel Ellsberg died in Kensington, California. He was the courageous whistleblower from Chicago who had wisely decided to betray NATO, the RAND Corporation and Robert McNamara by photocopying the documents revealing the atrocities of the US army during the war in Vietnam and then delivering them to the New YorkContinua a leggere “DANIEL ELLSBERG”


As reported by https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/md-grace-gay-montanye-16-baltimore-29-sept-1971.338696/ and by https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Keepers /comments/6g9lfe/third_murder_that_wasnt_included_in_documentary/ , Franklin Sr. High School cheerleader and student (CO-ED) Grace Elizabeth Montaye was lured by a guy who drove a blue Ford Mustang and who offered her a job as a model. Finalist of the Miss Reistertown beauty pageant, unfortunately Grace did not decline the offer. TheContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED GRACE ELIZABETH MONTAYE?”

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