On https://www.yrp.ca/en/community/Geraldine-Pickford.asp there are some details related to the murder of Geraldine Pickford, killed on 19 September 1965 near the athletics fields of the St. Andrew school. The murder took place near the Tannery stream in Aurora near the Yonge road (derives from young = young) in the county of York in the vicinity ofContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED GERALDINE PICKFORD?”


Santa Claus confessed to the crime of Nancy Schiava Vogel which took place on October 28, 1967, with a naked body hidden inside his Rambler car partially covered by an army blanket at the intersection of Brinkerhoff Street and Homestead Place in Ridgefield Park in New Jersey. The area is in the vicinity of HobartContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED NANCY SCHIAVA VOGEL?”


Hermann Geiger was a great aviator and helicopter rescue pilot and former policeman who carried out heroic deeds. Geiger lost his life on August 26, 1966 in a strange plane crash that occurred at 5:30 pm at the Sitten (Sion, home of the Monastery of Sion) airport in Switzerland. Both values can be traced backContinua a leggere “HERMANN GEIGER”


Di recente è balzato alla cronca il caso del mostro di Milano, un serial killer mai identificato alla cui ricerca di sono dedicato Fabrizio Carcano ed il criminologo Franco Posa. I delitti avvengono fra il 1963 ed il 1976, nell’arco temporale esatto del programma della NASA Lifting Body Research Program, volto a ricercare velivoli inContinua a leggere “IL MOSTRO DI MILANO”

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