On January 8, 1970, convict council member Richard Mattingly was strangled and hammered and crowded to death inside his home in Arlington, Virginia. The killers fled in the victim’s car and were arrested: according to https://www.nytimes.com/1970/01/13/archives/girl-14-is-charged-in- fathers-slaying.html they were Kenneth Hitner (Vietnam veteran) and Louis Comeau together with Debra, the victim’s daughter. Other sources alsoContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED RICHARD MATTINGLY?”


Di recente è balzato alla cronca il caso del mostro di Milano, un serial killer mai identificato alla cui ricerca di sono dedicato Fabrizio Carcano ed il criminologo Franco Posa. I delitti avvengono fra il 1963 ed il 1976, nell’arco temporale esatto del programma della NASA Lifting Body Research Program, volto a ricercare velivoli inContinua a leggere “IL MOSTRO DI MILANO”

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