Gerald Burke was a taxi driver who was killed on December 5, 1969 (date with sum of figures equal to Masonic No. 33) in Hamilton County in Canada. Burke was shot twice in Dunbar street inside taxi no. 18, which recalls the Masonic degree of Rosicrucian knight. The facts take place in the vicinity ofContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED GERALD BURKE?”


Taxi driver Johnnie Kornegay was killed on December 29, 1964 (the sum of the figures of the date is equal to the Rosicrucian no. 7)near the intersection of Brevard and Woodward Street. The killer got into the vehicle near a bus station on Adams Street in Tallahassee, Florida in the land of the CIA-operated FindersContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED JOHNNIE KORNEGAY?”

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