As reported by https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Miroslava_Stern, the charming actress Miroslava Stern died on March 9, 1955 in Mexico City after shooting the film “Ecstasy of a Crime” by Luis Bunuel, a very well man inserted in surrealism and good friend of the Rosicrucian Salvador Dalì, with whom he certainly shared the affiliation to the Zodiac group. AccordingContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED MIROSLAVA STERN?”


As reported by https://derangedlacrimes.com/?p=10281, Robert Willard Liberty telephoned the police on June 4, 1966 to report that his fiancée Marcela Landis had died at 8382 Westminster Boulevard in Westminster, California, near Liberty Park, Pacific Avenue and Jackson Street. The name of the place recalls the seat of the English government, closely linked to the storyContinua a leggere “THE CANDLELIGHT KILLER”

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