On June 16, 2023, unfortunately, Daniel Ellsberg died in Kensington, California. He was the courageous whistleblower from Chicago who had wisely decided to betray NATO, the RAND Corporation and Robert McNamara by photocopying the documents revealing the atrocities of the US army during the war in Vietnam and then delivering them to the New YorkContinua a leggere “DANIEL ELLSBERG”


Al-Qaeda is coming back! The media announced that the creation of the secret service will be a threat again for humanity soon! In fact, they need to create fear again, in order that the NSA can use Birdwatcher again, to spy on citizens through the excuse of fighting terrorism.__ Al-Qaeda sta tornando! I media annuncianoContinua a leggere “THE RETURN OF AL-QAEDA”


According to https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation.html , Twitter is starting its own fact-checking program named “Birdwatch”. It reminds of the Birdwatcher surveillance program led by the NSA that was exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.__ Secondo https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introducing-birdwatch-a-community-based-approach-to-misinformation.html , Twitter sta attivando un nuovo programma di fact-checkers chiamato “Birdwatch”, il cui nome richiama il programma di sorveglianza dell’NSA chiamato Birdwatcher,Continua a leggere “BIRDWATCH”


Torna alla ribalta sui mass media il caso Zodiac, dopo che 3 persone hanno decifrato uno degli anagrammi del killer dello Zodiaco. I giornalisti insistono con la versione ufficiale, la quale prevede che un singolo uomo (per quanto abile fosse) partendo da 666 anni dopo l’ambientazione della Divina Commedia dantesca si sia burlato dei serviziContinua a leggere “CASO ZODIAC IRRISOLTO? I MASS MEDIA MENTONO”

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