A lot of people investigated the death of the rapper 2pac . It’s clear that he was killed by the Illuminati because he exposed them in public. We all know about the Luxor Hotel and you can’t hide the numerology about the date of the shooting and the date of the death, but nobody hasContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED 2PAC?”


According to https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2020/10/20/researchers-warn-some-covid-19-vaccines-could-increase-risk-of-hiv-infection/ , some Covid vaccines could increase the risk of acquiring HIV. This thing reminds of the death of rapper #Eazy-E. He was threatened by the JDL just like  #rapper #2pac . In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxPTtFv4AkM&feature=emb_title #SugeKnight exposes the correlation between the HIV injection (something like a vaccine) and the death of Eazy-E.Continua a leggere “VACCINES”

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