According to https://it.findagrave.com/memorial/101235583/mark-steven-scott , student Mark Steven Scott was killed by Dante’s law of retaliation inside the home of Dean Corll in 925 Schuler (=student ) Street in Houston, Texas, after being lured by accomplices Elmer Henley and David Brooks. The official side of the story reports that it was Henley who strangled Mark, thenContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED MARK STEVEN SCOTT?”


Dean Corll was a former US Air Force member who, through the support of Elmer Wayne Henley and David Owen Brooks, drugged victims and violently tortured and raped young boys near Houston, Texas, then strangled or killed them with a . 22 caliber gun. Corll used to steal keys from victims and claimed to beContinua a leggere “DEAN CORLL”

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