According to https://www.newspapers.com/article/42867585/sumpter-rutchick-found-1/ , Ellen Faith Rutchick was killed at the age of 23 on January 5, 1972 inside her residence located at 483 Beacon Street in Boston, near the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge on the water and not far from the Colonnade Hotel in Boston where he worked at 120 Huntington Avenue in Boston. TheContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED ELLEN FAITH RUTCHICK?”


As reported by https://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com/t1309-maria-cavanaugh-nurse-found-strangled-in-vallejo-murder-mystery-1961, El Salvador native Maria Cavanaugh disappeared from Vallejo on January 21, 1961 Uriquilla after boarding a bus to San Francisco. The victim was strangled and found dead a few days later by a fisherman off Sears Point Road. As super-witness Sandy Betts well observed, the cutting of the lips on theContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED MARIA CAVANAUGH URIQUILLA?”


I found the documentary very interesting at the link, https://ne-np.facebook.com/CriminallyListed/videos/criminally-listed-donna-frislie/345680906889254/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos. After analyzing the connection between the killing of Donna Marie Frislie and that of Cheri Jo Bates in Riverside in the land of citrus fruits, thanks to the documentary, a connection is reached with the brutal killing of Mary Netherlain, massacred by several stab woundsContinua a leggere “WHO KILLED MARY NETHERLAIN?”


Il serial killer dell’Oregon Richard Laurence Marquette nasce a Portland, la città delle rose. Marquette è il classico personaggio manipolato mediante MkUltra, in quanto lui stesso non capisce come mai abbia perso improvvisamente il controllo, per uccidere 3 donne. Anche lui quindi viene colto da quell’impulso irrefrenabile e da dei vuoti di memoria clamorosi, inContinua a leggere “RICHARD LAWRENCE MARQUETTE”


Yuri Gagarin è famoso per aver volato nello spazio nel 1961. Dato che lui rappresentava l’URSS, tale operazione era uno smacco per gli americani, che non l’hanno digerita bene. Gagarin aveva orbitato per 108 minuti attorno alla terra. 108 è 36*3 e per la legge dantesca del contrappasso Yuri non poteva che morire in dataContinua a leggere “YURI GAGARIN”

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