After the black mass in which Jeannette Christine De Palma was ritually sacrificed, George Hill Hodel could only go to the land of palm trees in Florida to meet former Pastor Gerard John Schafer (ex-policeman and ex-Wackenhut employee) to continue the streak of crimes. According to https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-palm-beach-post/103109328/ , the August 11, 1972 victim was Leonard Masar, a Riviera Beach coffee shop owner who was found dead on Hutchinson Island, where Schaefer had tied Nancy Ellen Trotter and Paula Sue Wells to a tree a few days earlier. Masar's hands were cut off by Hodel, inspired by the paintings of the Rosicrucian and colleague of the Zodiac group Salvador Dalì and applying Dante's law of retaliation, as Masar in the Slavic languages means "butcher". The story would also have relevance for retaliation during the end of Schaefer, killed on paper by stabbing in prison in 1995 by Vincent Faustino Rivera apparently during a dispute over a coffee, even if according to the brilliant David McGowan there was the hand of Ottis Toole in all of this.___

Dopo la messa nera in cui è stata sacrificata ritualmente Jeannette Christine De Palma, George Hill Hodel non poteva che recarsi nella terra delle palme in Florida dall’ex “pastore” Gerard John Schafer (ex poliziotto ed ex dipendente della Wackenhut) per continuare la striscia di delitti. Secondo https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-palm-beach-post/103109328/ , la vittima dell’11 agosto 1972 era Leonard Masar, il titolare di un negozio di caffè di Riviera Beach che è stato ritrovato morto nella Hutchinson Island, dove Schaefer pochi giorni prima aveva legato ad un albero Nancy Ellen Trotter e Paula Sue Wells. A Masar sono state tagliate le mani da Hodel, ispirato dai quadri del rosacroce e collega del gruppo Zodiac Salvador Dalì ed applicando la legge dantesca del contrappasso, in quanto Masar nelle lingue slave significa “macellaio”. La vicenda avrebbe rilevanza anche per contrappasso durante la fine di Schaefer, ucciso sulla carta a coltellate in carcere nel 1995 da Vincent Faustino Rivera apparentemente durante una lite per un caffè, anche se secondo il brillante David McGowan c’era la mano di Ottis Toole in tutto questo.

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