According to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brY50hIC-yI, https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1am1gkw/mia_x_nxivm/?rdt=50518 and https://www. vibe.com/news/entertainment/m-i-a-blames-jay-z-roc-nation-custody-battle-1234850190/ , British singer M.I.A. takes courage on Twitter (X) and, with an exemplary action that demonstrates the value of a great woman, attacks freemason rapper Jay-Z, paid by the Bronfman family (linked to the NXIVM sect) so that M.I.A.'s son. was not entrusted to the mother, but to the powerful people of the planet. As a labelmate at Roc-Nation, you would have expected different treatment from Jay on paper, but let's remember how he came to the spotlight together with Beyoncè thanks to the death of Aaliyah wanted by Rockefeller (source: https://m.facebook. com/media/set/?set=a.3142053995832886 ). M.I.A. also claims that Canadian fashion designer Aurora James of Brother Vellies (who dresses Beyoncè, see https://www.wsj.com/articles/meet-aurora-james-a-designer-advocating-for-black-owned-businesses- 11591977188) had M.I.A.'s son vaccinated without asking her opinion, a clear sign of mental manipulation. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton was also part of the NXIVM sect (source: https://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Records-NXIVM-hacked-billionaire-s-emails-with-6576310.php) and Bill Clinton was involved in MKULTRA, according to whistleblower Cathy O'Brien. Someone will unfairly try to discredit M.I.A. claiming that her statements are only spite against those who had cut short her musical career, but a deeper look reveals that M.I.A. in 2015 released the anti-system hit called "Borders", in which she strongly criticizes the individualistic attitude of capitalist society, which focuses only on material values and not on true ones, such as attention to the weakest and to people of the third world, who pay personally for the choices of the crazy ones who rule the world. M.I.A. also criticizes the regression of human intelligence for the benefit of artificial intelligence, and the female models proposed by the mainstream as queens only to show their bodies and convey the messages that the system imposes on them. M.I.A. he also contests the use of force by the authorities and today's politics, insensitive towards those who wisely rebel against power. It is no coincidence that the song was included in the video game "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy", which is part of the famous video game series that had the courage to highlight the danger of secret societies such as the Golden Dawn.____

Secondo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brY50hIC-yI , https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1am1gkw/mia_x_nxivm/?rdt=50518 e https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/m-i-a-blames-jay-z-roc-nation-custody-battle-1234850190/ , la cantante britannica M.I.A. prende coraggio su Twitter (X) e, con un’azione esemplare che dimostra il valore di una grandissima donna, attacca il rapper massone Jay-Z, pagato dalla famiglia Bronfman (legata alla setta NXIVM) affinchè il figlio di M.I.A. non fosse affidato alla madre, ma ai potenti del pianeta. Da compagno di etichetta alla Roc-Nation, ti saresti aspettato sulla carta un trattamento diverso da Jay, ma ricordiamo come lui fosse venuto alla ribalta assieme a Beyoncè grazie alla morte di Aaliyah voluta dai Rockefeller (fonte: https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3142053995832886 ). M.I.A. sostiene anche che la fashion designer canadese Aurora James di Brother Vellies (che veste Beyoncè, vedi https://www.wsj.com/articles/meet-aurora-james-a-designer-advocating-for-black-owned-businesses-11591977188 ) abbia fatto vaccinare il figlio di M.I.A. senza chiederle il parere, un chiaro segno di manipolazione mentale. D’altronde, nella setta NXIVM figurava anche Hillary Clinton (fonte: https://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Records-NXIVM-hacked-billionaire-s-emails-with-6576310.php )e Bill Clinton era coinvolto nell’MKULTRA, secondo la whistleblower Cathy O’Brien. Qualcuno tenterà ingiustamente di screditare M.I.A. sostenendo che le sue dichiarazioni sono solo ripicca contro chi le aveva troncato la carriera musicale, ma uno sguardo più approfondito rileva che M.I.A. nel 2015 aveva inciso la hit antisistema chiamata “Borders (confini)”, in cui critica fortemente l’atteggiamento individualista della società capitalista, che punta solo ai valori materiali e non a quelli veri, come l’attenzione ai più deboli ed alle persone del terzo mondo, che pagano sulla propria pelle le scelte dei folli padroni del mondo. M.I.A. critica anche la regressione dell’intelligenza umana a beneficio dell’intelligenza artificiale, ed i modelli femminili proposti dal mainstream come regine solo per mostrare il proprio corpo e veicolare i messaggi che il sistema impone loro. M.I.A. contesta anche l’uso della forza da parte delle autorità e la politica di oggi, insensibile nei confronti di chi saggiamente si ribella al potere. Non a caso, la canzone è stata inclusa nel videogioco “Uncharted: l’eredità perduta”, che fa parte della celebre serie di videogiochi che ha avuto il coraggio di mettere in evidenza la pericolosità di società segrete come la Golden Dawn.

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