According to, Steven Norman Chait mysteriously disappeared on March 13, 1972. A talented prodigy from an early age, the 20-year-old vanished into thin air after emerging from the Columbia University dormitory at West 116th Avenue & Broadway in New York’s Morningside Heights neighborhood, also called Morningside Hill or Riverside Heights. The campus is not far from the scene of the murder of Douglas Owens, which took place 4 days earlier in the Harlem neighborhood. The university had founded Morningside Heights Inc., an organization led by David Rockefeller and Lawrence M. Orton to redevelop the neighborhood, creating complexes such as the Grant Houses, in honor of the military Ulysses Grant buried between Riverside Avenue and 122nd Street. San Francisco’s Grant Avenue is the crime scene of the murder of Andrew Foster Kinyon, who like Steven was connected to the art world. Steven used to work for Mama Joy’s located at West 114th Avenue & Broadway (2 steps from the university), which had since expanded into university-owned space (source: https://www.nytimes. com/2000/05/07/nyregion/neighbourhood-report-morningside-heights-end-family-shop-that-kept-other-families.html ) and was also a member of the Rosicrucian Sierra Club (at the time headed by the former judge Raymond Sherwin) and the organization had appeared in the famous “Pine Card” of the Zodiac Killer in reference to the kidnapping of Donna Ann Lass and coincidentally “Broad” means “woman”, albeit in an offensive term. The FED code communicated by Hodel relating to the Owens murder scene is linked to the FED headquarters in New York at 33 Liberty Street near Pine Street. According to Dante’s law of contrappasso, Chait means “March”, the month in which he would have been killed. The crime may have been inspired by Hodel’s vision of the 1929 film “Broadway”, set in New York and inspired by a play by George Abbott and Phillip Dunning, who would later work for Daryl F. Zanuck. The Paradise Nightclub appears in the film and the character Steve Crandall (played by Robert Ellis, who had starred in “Aloha” with Thelma Todd, future victim of Hodel; Ellis would later work in Charlie Chan’s films) is killed. Ellis Island is the island where the Statue of Liberty stands and where immigrants from abroad in search of freedom passed through the Georgia Pine structure (source: 50-ellis-island%E2%80%99s-history.html . Due to Dante’s law of retaliation, initially you can notice the bridge over the Neversink River along Paradise Road in Deerpark in the New Yorker, also for 25 years Steven’s mother received 2 or 3 silent calls a year, in Zodiac Killer style.For an in-depth analysis, reconnecting the case to the murder of Berenice Anderson Riley which took place on the same day in Columbia in South Carolina after the Harlem Avenue kidnapping, you get the Long Island State Barren Pines near Riverside and the Riley Avenue School, located off the side road Donna Drive located in Calverton, New York.So Chait was killed by the pair formed by Hodel and Lawrence Kane. In the same intersection where Mama Joy’s was located was the West End Bar, frequented by university students and members of the Beat Generation such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, but above all by Mark Rudd, a member of the SDS engaged to the time with Sue LeGrand and entered the Weather Underground, both factors that could have easily put him in contact with the New Yorker Othello. Columbia alumni were also the usual J.D. Salinger (author of “The Young Holden”, or “Catcher In A Rye”, with Riley meaning “rye clearing”) and the Roosevelts, family friends of the Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel, certainly involved in the kidnapping of Steven, conceived in honor of NASA’s Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr. to take revenge for his son Steven Kent Hodel’s refusal to leave the police to devote himself to Hodel’s father’s Landgrowth Corporation complete with the Zodiac Killer symbol in the logo.___

Secondo , il 13 marzo 1972 è misteriosamente scomparso Steven Norman Chait. Talento prodigio sin da piccolo, il 20enne è svanito nel nulla dopo essere uscito dal dormitorio della Columbia University fra laWest  116th Avenue & Broadway nel quartiere Morningside Heights a New York, chiamato anche Morningside Hill o Riverside Heights. Il campus non è molto distante dalla scena dell’omicidio di Douglas Owens, avvenuto 4 giorni prima nel quartiere di Harlem. L’università aveva fondato la Morningside Heights Inc., un’organizzazione diretta da David Rockefeller e da Lawrence M. Orton per ristrutturare il quartiere, creando complessi come le Grant Houses, in onore del militare Ulysses Grant sepolto fra la Riverside Avenue e la 122nd Street. La Grant Avenue di San Francisco è la scena del crimine dell’omicidio di Andrew Foster Kinyon, che come Steven era legato al mondo dell’arte. Steven lavorava per la Mama Joy’s sita all’incrocio fra la West 114th Avenue & Broadway (a 2 passi dall’università), che poi si era espansa in uno spazio di proprietà dell’università (fonte: ) ed era inoltre un membro del Sierra Club rosacrociano (all’epoca capeggiato dall’ex giudice Raymond Sherwin) e l’organizzazione era comparsa nella celebre “Pine Card” dello Zodiac Killer in riferimento al rapimento di Donna Ann Lass e guarda caso “Broad” significa “donna”, anche se in termine offensivo. Il codice FED comunicato da Hodel relativo alla scena dell’omicidio Owens si ricollega alla sede della FED a New York al 33 di Liberty Street nei pressi di Pine Street. Per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, Chait significa “marzo”, il mese in cui sarebbe stato ucciso.Il delitto potrebbe essere stato ispirato dalla visione di Hodel del film “Broadway” del 1929, ambientato a New York e ispirato ad un’opera teatrale di George Abbott e Phillip Dunning, che poi avrebbe lavorato per Daryl F. Zanuck. Nel film appare il Paradise Nightclub ed il personaggio Steve Crandall (interpretato da Robert Ellis, che aveva recitato in “Aloha” con Thelma Todd, futura vittima di Hodel; Ellis poi avrebbe poi lavorato nei film di Charlie Chan) viene ucciso. Ellis Island è l’isola in cui sorge la Statua della Libertà ed in cui immigravano dall’estero alla ricerca della libertà passando per la struttura di Georgia Pine (fonte: . Per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, per il luogo di occultamento del corpo di Steven inizialmente viene in menteil ponte sull’acqua sul fiume Neversink lungo la Paradise Road a Deerpark nel newyorkese, inoltre per ben 25 anni la madre di Steven ha ricevuto 2 o 3 chiamate mute all’anno, in stile Zodiac Killer. Ad un’analisi approfondita, ricollegando il caso all’omicidio di Berenice Anderson Riley avvenuto lo stesso giorno a Columbia in South Carolina dopo il rapimento in Harlem Avenue, si ottiene la Long Island State Barren Pines nei pressi di Riverside e della Riley Avenue School, sita a ridosso della laterale Donna Drive sita a Calverton, nel newyorkese. Quindi Chait è stato ucciso dal binomio formato da Hodel e Lawrence Kane. Nello stesso incrocio in cui era sito il Mama Joy’s c’era il West End Bar, frequentato da studenti dell’università e da membri della Beat Generation come Allen Ginsberg e Jack Kerouac, ma soprattutto da Mark Rudd, un membro degli SDS fidanzato all’epoca con Sue LeGrand ed entrato nei Weather Underground, entrambi fattori che lo potrebbero aver messo facilmente in contatto col newyorkese Otello. Ex studenti della Columbia erano anche il solito J.D. Salinger (autore de “Il Giovane Holden”, ossia “Catcher In A Rye”, con Riley che significa “rye clearing”) ed i Roosevelt, amici di famiglia dello Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel, di certo coinvolto nel rapimento di Steven, ideato in onore di Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr. della NASA per vendicarsi del rifiuto del figlio Steven Kent Hodel di lasciare la polizia per dedicarsi alla Landgrowth Corporation di Hodel padre con tanto di simbolo di Zodiac Killer nel logo.

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