On June 16, 2023, unfortunately, Daniel Ellsberg died in Kensington, California. He was the courageous whistleblower from Chicago who had wisely decided to betray NATO, the RAND Corporation and Robert McNamara by photocopying the documents revealing the atrocities of the US army during the war in Vietnam and then delivering them to the New York Times in 1971 so that everybody could know it. Ellsberg was also known for his opposition to US military interventions (including Iraq and Ukraine) and for his support of whistleblowers such as Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning of Wikileaks and Edward Snowden.___

Il 16 giugno 2023 purtroppo si è spento a Kensington in California Daniel Ellsberg, il whistleblower coraggioso di Chicago che aveva saggiamente deciso di tradire la NATO, la RAND Corporation e Robert McNamara fotocopiando i documenti che svelano le atrocità dell’esercito statunitense durante la guerra in Vietnam e poi consegnandoli al New York Times nel 1971 per renderli noti a tutti. Ellsberg era anche noto per la sua opposizione agli interventi bellici statunitensi (Iraq ed Ucraina compresi) e per il suo sostegno ai whistleblowers come Julian Assange e Chelsea Manning di Wikileaks ed Edward Snowden.

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