As reported by https://zodiackiller.net/community/non-zodiac-crimes/george-pimental-1971/ and by https://books.google.it/books?id=QbFEBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA256&lpg=PA256&dq=cosette+ellison&source =bl&ots=0NqmMLRRFd&sig=ACfU3U1a7-, George Pimental was killed on November 8, 1971 in his apartment at 471 Woodrow Avenue in Vallejo. According to former police officer Lyndon E. Lafferty's team, Pimental was stabbed and mutilated, with his left eye, nose and penis removed. The victim had his throat cut, in pure 1921 "Z" magazine style. According to Lafferty, this was an obvious ritual crime committed by George Russell Tucker, as according to the crime scene, the letters "GRT" would be engraved on the body. Tucker is a character of interest, as he was a member of the Sierra Rosicrucian Club (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aOE_fvP_Zk ), but he certainly didn't have the abilities of Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel in killing and mutilating victims. Featured in Lafferty's book there’s a hill, Hodel's signature operation at Lake Berryessa, where Zodiac Island now stands. Another of the theses is that of homosexual crime, in fact GRT is an acronym of "Great Replacement Theory", conceived by Renaud Camus, who got in touch with Andy Warhol. The esoteric meaning of the crime committed by Hodel must be sought in anticipating subsequent events: the nose tied to the plane of Gala Eduard in the painting of the colleague of the Zodiac group and Rosicrucian Salvador Dalì (source https://www.wikiart.org/en/ salvador-dali/gala-portrait-with-a-lobster-gala-portrait-with-an-airplane-nose ) is a forerunner of the D.B. Cooper and Joseph Naso (Nose) as the second Alphabet Killer, moreover the loose eye is a reference to Dalì's eye of time (source: https://art.branipick.com/salvador-dali-the-eye-of-time- brooch-in-platinum-diamonds-ruby-and-blue-enamel-with-mechanical-movement-of-movado-watch-length-2-34-in-7-cm-conceived-in-1949-and-executed- nel- 1958-59-976x850/ ) and the cutting of the penis is a reminder of what happened to Napoleon after his historic death on May 5th. Due to Dante's law of retaliation, Pimental was therefore perhaps punished for having slept with some woman that Hodel wanted, who at the same time also admired the famous urinal, represented in the work "Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp and signed R. Mutt. It should also be kept in mind that historically it was Napoleon himself who sent the sadistic Marquis De Sade to jail, from whom Hodel drew much inspiration. On https://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com/t146-unsolved-murder-in-vallejo-of-george-pimental-possible-connection-to-north-cal-murders-and-or-zodiac there’s a connection between the deaths of some professors at Berkeley University and the Zodiac Killer, who had attended that university. Superwitness Sandy Betts also appears in the conversation, and it is revealed that Ron Pimentel was an Oakland detective investigating Zodiac handwriting, while George Pimental's brother (Bill) died in a strange car accident on Highway 37. Therefore , the 37 transcribed by Hodel in the Zodiac letter of the exorcist as Zodiac Killer begins to make sense. George Pimental was killed at home, to leave a subliminal message. In fact, Woodrow Wilson is a former President of the United States whose name has appeared on several occasions in the murders committed by Hodel, see for example the death of Inger Stevens. 471 has the same digits as 714, the no. of Joe Friday's badge in "Dragnet", a TV series that had been used a few days earlier by Hodel to choose Harry Lanham as the protagonist of some murders in Texas. As reported by https://truecrime.umwblogs.org/files/2013/10/webb.pdf , Joe Friday was played by Jack Webb, who in 1958 had published the book "The Badge", in which he basically reported that the police still hadn't solved the murder of Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia. But one cannot believe those like Webb who consider Elizabeth insane and irresponsible, even more so if the district knew very well that Hodel was guilty together with Fred Sexton and the books written by superpoliceman Steve Hodel prove it. Of note, Webb knew everything (source: https://stevehodel.com/2019/10/31/lapds-sgt-joe-just-the-facts-friday-of-dragnet-fame-actor-jack-webb-provides -second-account-corroborating-that-black-dahlia-killer-was-dr-george-hill-hodel/ ) and had given a copy of his book to James Ellroy, son of Geneva Hilliker Ellroy, as if to make him understand that the murderer of the mother he was looking for was Sexton with the complicity of Hodel.__

Come riportato da https://zodiackiller.net/community/non-zodiac-crimes/george-pimental-1971/ e da https://books.google.it/books?id=QbFEBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA256&lpg=PA256&dq=cosette+ellison&source=bl&ots=0NqmMLRRFd&sig=ACfU3U1a7-, George Pimental è stato ucciso l’8 novembre 1971 all’interno del proprio appartamento sito al 471 di Woodrow Avenue a Vallejo. Secondo la squadra dell’ex poliziotto Lyndon E. Lafferty, Pimental è stato ucciso a coltellate e mutilato, con rimozione di occhio sinistro, di naso e del pene. Alla vittima è stata tagliata la gola, in puro stile rivista “Z” del 1921. Si tratta di un evidente delitto rituale, secondo Lafferty commesso da George Russell Tucker, in quanto in base alla scena del crimine sul corpo sarebbero incise le lettere “GRT”. Tucker è un personaggio d’interesse, in quanto era un membro del Sierra Club rosacrociano (fonte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aOE_fvP_Zk ), ma di certo non aveva le abilità dello Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel nell’uccisione e nella mutilazione. In evidenza nel libro di Lafferty c’è una collina, la firma di Hodel nell’operazione al lago Berryessa, dove sorge ora la Zodiac Island. Un’altra delle tesi è quella del delitto omosessuale, in effetti GRT è un acronimo di “Great Replacement Theory”, ideata da Renaud Camus, che era entrato in contatto con Andy Warhol. Il senso esoterico del delitto commesso da Hodel va ricercato nell’anticipare eventi successivi: il naso legato all’aeroplano di Gala Eduard nel quadro del collega del gruppo Zodiac e rosacroce Salvador Dalì (fonte https://www.wikiart.org/en/salvador-dali/portrait-of-gala-with-a-lobster-portrait-of-gala-with-aeroplane-nose ) è precursore dell’operazione D.B. Cooper e di Joseph Naso come secondo Alphabet Killer, inoltre l’occhio sciolto è un richiamo all’occhio del tempo di Dalì (fonte: https://art.branipick.com/salvador-dali-the-eye-of-time-platinum-diamond-ruby-and-blue-enamel-brooch-with-a-mechanical-movado-watch-movement-length-2-34-in-7-cm-conceived-in-1949-and-executed-in-1958-59-976×850/ ) ed il taglio del pene è un richiamo a quanto accaduto a Napoleone Bonaparte dopo la sua morte storica del 5 maggio. Per la legge dantesca del contrappasso, Pimental è quindi forse stato punito per essere andato a letto con qualche donna gradita da Hodel, che al contempo ammirava anche il celebre orinatoio, rappresentato nell’opera “Fontana” di Marcel Duchamp e firmato R. Mutt. Va tenuto presente inoltre che storicamente fu proprio Napoleone a far incarcerare il sadico marchese De Sade, a cui Hodel si è ispirato molto. Al link https://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com/t146-unsolved-murder-in-vallejo-of-george-pimental-possible-connection-to-north-cal-murders-and-or-zodiac I-37 emerge un collegamento fra la morte di alcuni docenti della Berkeley University e lo Zodiac Killer, che aveva frequentato tale università. Nella conversazione appare anche la supertestimone Sandy Betts e si scopre che Ron Pimentel era un detective di Oakland che indagava sulla calligrafia di Zodiac, mentre il fratello di George Pimental (Bill) è morto in uno strano incidente d’auto nell’autostrada 37. Pertanto, il 37 trascritto da Hodel nella Zodiac letter dell’esorcista in veste di Zodiac Killer inizia ad avere un senso. George Pimental è stato ucciso in casa, per lasciare un messaggio subliminale.Infatti, Woodrow Wilson è un ex Presidente degli Stati Uniti il cui nome è comparso in più occasioni negli omicidi commessi da Hodel, vedi ad esempio la morte di Inger Stevens. 471 ha le stesse cifre di 714, il n. del distintivo di Joe Friday in “Dragnet”, serie TV che era stata utilizzata pochi giorni prima da Hodel per scegliere Harry Lanham come protagonista di alcuni omicidi in Texas. Come riportato da https://truecrime.umwblogs.org/files/2013/10/webb.pdf , Joe Friday era interpretato da Jack Webb, che nel 1958 aveva pubblicato il libro “The Badge”, in cui sostanzialmente riportava che la polizia non aveva ancora risolto l’omicidio di Elizabeth Short, la Black Dahlia. Ma non si può credere a chi come Webb ritiene Elizabeth folle ed irresponsabile, a maggior ragione se il distretto sapeva benissimo che Hodel era colpevole assieme a Fred Sexton e lo dimostrano i libri scritti dal superpoliziotto Steve Hodel. Da segnalare che Webb sapeva tutto (fonte: https://stevehodel.com/2019/10/31/lapds-sgt-joe-just-the-facts-friday-of-dragnet-fame-actor-jack-webb-provides-second-account-corroborating-that-black-dahlia-killer-was-dr-george-hill-hodel/  ) ed aveva consegnato una copia del proprio libro a James Ellroy, figlio di Geneva Hilliker Ellroy, come se volesse fargli capire che l’assassino della madre che lui stava cercando era proprio Sexton con la complicità di Hodel.

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