As reported by https://solvecrimes.tv/cases/carol-beth-hilburn/, https://solvecrimes.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/1970.11.18.The_Sacramento_Bee_Wed__Nov_18__1970_C1_Carol_Beth_Hilburn.jpg and https: // books.google.it/books?id=EdBQ9jvHU80C&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq=zodiac+club+west+capitol+avenue+sacramento&source=bl&ots=EA4Qgki1jv&sig=ACfU3U3923iCCWwMRj6oRiRbjhcHeIFzbA&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUwoLXgPb2AhVQgP0HHXLyDecQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q=zodiac%20club%20west% 20capitol% 20avenue% 20sacramento & f = false, Carol Beth Hilburn was killed on November 13, 1970 in Sacramento, California. The victim was a cocktail waitress and had been beaten and her throat had also been slit, in pure Zodiac Killer style inspired by the special "Z" magazine of 1921. Sacramento is the twin city with Manila, the Philippine capital where Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel resided. If in the previous crimes (victims Judith Ann Hakari and Nancy Bennallack) the Z inscribed on the map near the Arden road was evident, in this case Carol had gone to the local Zodiac Club in West Capitol (Capitol Hill is the neighborhood where the famous Capitol in Washington, DC) Avenue and wore a pendant with the symbol of peace around her neck, which in reality is nothing more than the rune that indicates the symbol of death and is an inverted Algiz, representing the Z (source: https: / /www.pinterest.it/pin/150800287495682251/). The victim wore a jacket with the inscription "Santa Rosa", so according to Dante's law of retaliation it had to be sacrificed by the Order of the Red Rose and the Zodiac group, to anticipate the future blood streaks through the Santa Rosa hitchhiker killer. Among other things, it should be noted that the victim bears a surname that at times recalls the surnames of 2 killers of the Zodiac group, namely Hill Hodel and Edward Burns Edwards, also Hillburn means "person who resides near a hill", as reported by https://www.houseofnames.com/hilburn-family-crest. Hodel therefore wanted to trace something on the map that reminded him of the murder of Lucila Lalu in Manila in 1967, with her body scattered around the city, especially in the Zodiac Street area. Also in this story appears the Arden factor, evidently Hodel liked the figure of Eve Arden in the film "Anatomy of a murder" by Otto Preminger. According to some testimonies, the victim was kidnapped leaving the local Zodiac Club, according to others she was kidnapped leaving the Forty Grand Club of Lloyd Hickey in Del Paso Boulevard, close to Harvard street, the key university behind the murders of the Boston strangler , in which one of the members was William Axel Lindahl. In honor of Lindahl (expert hooker of women), the body was then hidden in Rio Linda, near W 4th Street and W Ascot Avenue, close to Hansen Park Ranch & to the Bellacqua apartments. It is possible the baptism of fire by Robert Christian Hansen, author of the future escalation in Anchorage together with colleagues of the Zodiac group, inspired by the character of the Count Zaroff.__

Come riportato da https://solvecrimes.tv/cases/carol-beth-hilburn/ , https://solvecrimes.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/1970.11.18.The_Sacramento_Bee_Wed__Nov_18__1970_C1_Carol_Beth_Hilburn.jpg  e https://books.google.it/books?id=EdBQ9jvHU80C&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq=zodiac+club+west+capitol+avenue+sacramento&source=bl&ots=EA4Qgki1jv&sig=ACfU3U3923iCCWwMRj6oRiRbjhcHeIFzbA&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUwoLXgPb2AhVQgP0HHXLyDecQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q=zodiac%20club%20west%20capitol%20avenue%20sacramento&f=false , Carol Beth Hilburn è stata uccisa il 13 novembre 1970 a Sacramento in California. La vittima faceva la cameriera di cocktail ed era stata picchiata e le era pure stata tagiata la gola, in puro stile Zodiac Killer ispirato dall’apposita rivista “Z” del 1921. Sacramento è la città gemellata con Manila, la capitale filippina dove risiedeva lo Zodiac Killer George Hill Hodel. Se nei delitti precedenti (vittime Judith Ann Hakari e Nancy Bennallack) era evidente la Z iscritta sulla mappa a ridosso della strada Arden, in questo caso Carol si era recata al locale Zodiac Club in West Capitol (Capitol Hill è il quartiere dove sorge il famoso Campidoglio a Washington, D.C.) Avenue e portava al collo un pendente col simbolo della pace, che in realtà non è altro che la runa che indica il simbolo della morte ed è un’Algiz rovesciata, che rappresenta la Z (fonte: https://www.pinterest.it/pin/150800287495682251/ ).La vittima indossava una giacca con scritto “Santa Rosa”, quindi per la legge dantesca del contrappasso doveva essere sacrificata dall’Ordine della Rosa Rossa e dal gruppo Zodiac, per anticipare la futura striscia di sangue attraverso il killer delle autostoppiste di Santa Rosa. Fra l’altro, da notare come la vittima porti un cognome che a tratti richiami i cognomi di 2 killer del gruppo Zodiac, ossia Hill Hodel ed Edward Burns Edwards, inoltre Hilburn significa “persona che risiede vicino ad una collina”, come riportato da https://www.houseofnames.com/hilburn-family-crest . Hodel voleva quindi ricalcare sulla mappa qualcosa che gli ricordasse il delitto con mutilazione di Lucila Lalu a Manila del 1967, con corpo disseminato in giro per la città, soprattutto nella zona di Zodiac Street. Anche in questa vicenda compare il fattore Arden, evidentemente Hodel gradiva la figura di Eve Arden nel film “Anatomia di un omicidio” di Otto Preminger. Secondo alcune testimonianze la vittima è stata rapita uscendo dal locale Zodiac Club, secondo altre è stata rapita uscendo dal locale Forty Grand Club di Lloyd Hickey in Del Paso Boulevard, a ridosso della strada Harvard, l’università chiave dietro ai delitti dello strangolatore di Boston, in cui uno dei membri era William Axel Lindahl. In onore di Lindahl (esperto adescatore di donne) il cadavere è quindi stato occultato a Rio Linda, nei pressi della W 4th Street e della W Ascot Avenue, a ridosso dell’Hansen Park Ranch e dei Bellacqua Apartments. E’ credibile anche il battesimo del fuoco di Robert Christian Hansen, autore della futura escalation ad Anchorage assieme ai colleghi del gruppo Zodiac, ispirati dal personaggio del conte Zaroff.

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