As reported on https://www.crimewatchpa.com/crimestoppers/316/cases/cold-case-51-years-ago-homicide-victim-john-william-leonard-sr-%E2%80%93-barrett- township-monroe and from https://eu.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2015/11/15/murder-at-buck-hill-inn/25498826007/, on 8 September 1970 taxi driver John William Leonard Sr. was shot to death at the Buck Hill Falls Lodge in Cresco in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. The area is close to the Buck Hill Inn motel, frequented by the occultist Freemason Walt Disney because of the pétanque tournaments, as reported by https://sometimes-interesting.com/abandoned-poconos-legend-buck-hill-inn/. The passenger (described as a bespectacled man with a Globe Store bag) was on his way to Mountain Home in Pennsylvania. Given the Monroe / Hill factor, the modus operandi, the description of the suspect, we can identify the culprit as George Hill Hodel. It should also be noted that Mountain Home is not a randomly chosen location, as it recalls the Arkansas town where the murder with victim Obie Fay Ash took place in December 1969. The location of the crime was chosen by Hodel not so much to follow the water trail (waterfalls in this case), but in this case the artistic one. In fact, as reported by https://buckhillartassociation.org/, the Buck Hill Art association has been active today for 88 years.__

Come riportato da https://www.crimewatchpa.com/crimestoppers/316/cases/cold-case-51-years-ago-homicide-victim-john-william-leonard-sr-%E2%80%93-barrett-township-monroe e da https://eu.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2015/11/15/murder-at-buck-hill-inn/25498826007/ , l’8 settembre 1970 è stato assassinato a colpi d’arma da fuoco il tassista John William Leonard Sr. nei pressi della Buck Hill Falls Lodge a Cresco nella contea di Monroe in Pennsylvania. La zona è vicina al motel Buck Hill Inn, frequentato dal massone occultista Walt Disney per via dei tornei di bocce, come riportato da https://sometimes-interesting.com/abandoned-poconos-legend-buck-hill-inn/ . Il passaggero (descritto come un uomo con gli occhiali con borsa Globe Store) era diretto a Mountain Home in Pennsylvania. Visto il fattore Monroe/Hill, il modus operandi, la descrizione del sospetto, possiamo identificare il colpevole in George Hill Hodel.  Da precisare anche che Mountain Home non è una location scelta a caso, in quanto richiama la località dell’Arkansas in cui a dicembre 1969 era avvenuto l’omicidio con vittima Obie Fay Ash. La location del crimine è stata scelta da Hodel non tanto per seguire la pista dell’acqua (cascate in questo caso), ma in questo caso quella artistica. Infatti, come riportato da https://buckhillartassociation.org/ , l’associazione artistica di Buck Hill Art è ad oggi attiva da ben 88 anni.

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