The details of the story are sparse, but it is possible that Elizabeth Ernstein is also one of the victims of George Hill Hodel and Edward Edwards. The victim disappeared on March 18, 1968 (close to the ritual date of the vernal equinox) returning from Moore Junior High School in Mormon Redlands and passing through an orange grove. The orange grove is linked to a painting by the painter Renato Guttuso which also reappeared in the story of Tommy Zeigler by the Rockefeller Zodiac group. Redlands features several historic structures, including the Kimberly Crest House and Gardens (originally built for Cornelia A. Hill) and the Edwards Mansion. The victim's father worked for Lockheed, the defense firm that would rise to prominence in the 1970s with the bribery scandal in favor of Freemasons such as Prince Bernard of Holland, co-founder of Rockefeller's Bilderberg club. The crime served to anticipate the Apollo 6 lunar expedition and it was no coincidence that in 1939 Howard Hughes (one of the instigators of the Zodiac group's crimes) had commissioned Lockheed to produce the "constellation" plane (source: https: //www.lockheedmartin .com / en-us / news / features / history / constellation.html). As reported by https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search?q=Rojas,%20Hector%20R.%20(Lockheed%20Electronics%20Co.%20Houston,%20TX,%20United%20States), Hector R. Rojas of Lockheed was linked to NASA.___

I dettagli della vicenda sono scarni, ma è possible che anche Elizabeth Ernstein sia una delle vittime di George Hill Hodel e di Edward Edwards. La vittima è scomparsa il 18 marzo 1968 (a ridosso della data rituale dell’equinozio di primavera) rientrando dalla scuola superiore Moore Junior nella mormona Redlands e passando per un aranceto. L’aranceto si ricollega ad un quadro del pittore Renato Guttuso ricomparso anche nella vicenda di Tommy Zeigler ad opera del gruppo Zodiac di Rockefeller. Redlands presenta diverse struture storiche, fra cui la Kimberly Crest House and Gardens (costruita originariamente per Cornelia A. Hill) e la Edwards Mansion. Il padre della vittima lavorava per la Lockheed, la ditta facente parte del comparto della difesa che sarebbe salita alla ribalta negli anni ’70 con lo scandalo delle tangenti a favore di massoni come il Principe Bernardo d’Olanda, cofondatore del club Bilderberg di Rockefeller. Il delitto serviva ad anticipare la spedizone lunare Apollo 6 e non a caso nel 1939 Howard Hughes (uno dei mandanti dei delitti del gruppo Zodiac) aveva commissionato alla Lockheed la produzione dell’aereo “costellazione” (fonte: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/news/features/history/constellation.html ). Come riportato da https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search?q=Rojas,%20Hector%20R.%20(Lockheed%20Electronics%20Co.%20Houston,%20TX,%20United%20States) , Hector R. Rojas della Lockheed era legato alla NASA.

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