Actress and pin-up girl Joan Tabor died at the age of 36 on December 18, 1968 (date with sum of the figures equal to 36, or 6 times 6) in Beverly Hills, California. As reported by http://www.glamourgirlsofthesilverscreen.com/show/263/Joan+Tabor/index.html, Tabor had the same manager as Jayne Mansfield, namely William Shiffrin. Mansfield was romantically linked to the founder of the Church of Satan and was later sacrificed in a freak car accident. Tabor's death is also full of ritual elements: she died of an overdose of flu drugs at the time of the Hong-Kong flu, spread by the army and coming from an area very frequented by the serial killer doctor George Hill Hodel. Tabor had recited in "Dante" and Mount Tabor is a hill that represents the place where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. The Rosicrucian author Dante was also known for using the term "transfiguration" (source: https: // www. treccani.it/encyclopedia/trasfigurazione_%28Encyclopedia-Dantesca%29/). It is also curious to note that the Beverly Hills Medical Center is located at 414 North Camden Drive, near the former residence of Mabel Normand, an actress much beloved by Hodel. It is also curious that Tabor’s first husband was David Gold (Chicago broker of the Illinois Midwest Corporation and homonymous name of the author of the book in which he claims that the Zodiac Killer was Frank Morris, who escaped from Alcatraz), while the second one was Broderick Crawford, who had collaborated with Freemason Ronald Reagan and who was defined by her as violent, but it could not be expected otherwise, as Craw derives from Crow, in reference to the satanist Aleister Crowley.___

L’attrice e pin-up girl Joan Tabor è morta a 36 anni il 18 dicembre 1968 (data con somma delle cifre pari a 36, ossia 6 volte 6) a Beverly Hills in California. Come riportato da http://www.glamourgirlsofthesilverscreen.com/show/263/Joan+Tabor/index.html , la Tabor aveva lo stesso manager di Jayne Mansfield, ossia William Shiffrin. La Mansfield era legata sentimentalmente al fondatore della chiesa di Satana ed è poi stata sacrificata in uno strano incidente d’auto. Anche la morte della Tabor è ricca di elementi rituali: muore di overdose di farmaci per l’influenza al tempo dell’influenza di Hong-Kong, diffusa dai militari e proveniente da una zona molto frequentata dal medico serial killer George Hill Hodel. La Tabor aveva recitato in “Dante” ed il monte Tabor è una collina che rappresenta il luogo dove è avvenuta la trasfigurazione di Gesù. Anche il rosacroce Dante era noto per aver usato il termine “trasfigurazione” (fonte: https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/trasfigurazione_%28Enciclopedia-Dantesca%29/ ). Curioso notare anche che il Beverly Hills Medical Center è sito al 414 di North Camden Drive, nelle vicinanze dell’ex residenza di Mabel Normand, attrice molto gradita da Hodel. Curioso anche il fatto che la Tabor fosse sposata prima con David Gold (broker di Chicago della Illinois Midwest Corporation ed omonimo dell’autore del libro in cui sostiene che lo Zodiac Killer era Frank Morris, fuggito da Alcatraz) e Broderick Crawford, che aveva collaborato col massone Ronald Reagan e che era definito da lei violento, ma non ci si poteva aspettare diversamente, in quanto Craw deriva da Crow=corvo, in riferimento al satanista Aleister Crowley.

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