Who killed Shirley Fawcett-Kivlin?

Shirley Fawcett Kivlin died on December 3, 1951 (date with sum of 22 = Rosicrucian perfection) in Long Beach, California due to an overdose of barbiturates. The drug in question is Seconal, which already emerged in the crime of Ruth Spaulding, the secretary of the killer doctor George Hill Hodel of the Zodiac group, as reported by https://stevehodel.com/2020/10/11/first-photos-of -dr-george-hill-hodels-la-lone-woman-murder-victim-ruth-spaulding-found /, The victim worked for an oil industry and for a private investigator, that Martin Duber, originally from Chicago but settled in about ten years in Los Angeles. Duber is famous for having been in contact with Hollywood stars such as Lana Turner, who was linked to Orson Welles (source: https://orsonwelles.indiana.edu/items/show/2102#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0&xywh = -899% 2C388% 2C4326% 2C2991) and whose name also appears in this article, together with Rita Hawyorth (https://stevehodel.com/2011/02/05/hansens_la_confidential_scorse/). As reported by https://thetruecrimefiles.com/shirley-fawcett-kivlin-murder/, Kivlin had recently divorced Robert Kivlin, a golf enthusiast in Florida. Robert believes suicide was unlikely as Duber pushed towards that trail, as if he had something to hide. Evidently, Kivlin had noticed something wrong and connecting Chicago and Los Angeles were the actions of the lipstick killer, represented by Hodel and Fred Sexton. Not surprisingly, Steve Hodel in Black Dahlia Avenger reports that Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short traveled to Chicago before passing through Long Beach in 1946. Short was Jack Chernau’s guest in Chicago (7107 Grand Avenue and Blackstone Hotell) and, according to rumors, she was investigating the lipstick killer and knew some cops following the case, with the culprit mistakenly believed to be Bill Heirens at the time. Elizabeth’s interest in the case is yet another demonstration that Heirens was innocent and that the culprits were Hodel and Sexton, who then eliminated Elizabeth herself as opposed to Hodel’s sadistic wishes, obsessed with wanting by her side. Elizabeth Short, referring to the pianist who was called after the aspiring actress. As can be seen from the photo at the link https://www.ebay.com/itm/1951-Press-Photo-Sgt-WN-Hildebrand-and-Lt -MH-Martin-Clyde-Duber- / 353273058564, Duber was linked to the military sector (specifically to Sergeant Hildebrand and Lieutenant Martin).__

Shirley Fawcett Kivlin è morta il 3 dicembre 1951 (data con somma delle cifre pari a 22=perfezione rosacrociana) a Long Beach in California a causa di un overdose di barbiturici. Il farmaco in questione è il Seconal, già emerso nel delitto di Ruth Spaulding, la segreteria del medico killer George Hill Hodel del gruppo Zodiac, come riportato da  https://stevehodel.com/2020/10/11/first-photos-of-dr-george-hill-hodels-l-a-lone-woman-murder-victim-ruth-spaulding-found/ ,  La vittima lavoravava per un’industria petrolifera e per un investigatore privato, tale Martin Duber, originario di Chicago ma stabilitosi da una decina d’anni a Los Angeles. Duber è famoso per essere stato in contatto con star hollywoodiane come Lana Turner, che era legata ad Orson Welles (fonte: https://orsonwelles.indiana.edu/items/show/2102#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0&xywh=-899%2C388%2C4326%2C2991 ) ed il cui nome compare anche in questo articolo, assieme a Rita Hawyorth (https://stevehodel.com/2011/02/05/hansens_la_confidential_scorse/ ). Come riportato da https://thetruecrimefiles.com/shirley-fawcett-kivlin-murder/ , la Kivlin aveva da poco divorziato da Robert Kivlin, un appassionato di golf in Florida. Robert ritiene che il suicidio fosse improbabile, mentre Duber spingeva verso quella pista, come se avesse qualcosa da nascondere. Evidentemente, la Kivlin si era accorta di qualcosa che non andava e a collegare Chicago e Los Angeles erano le azioni del killer del rossetto, rappresentato da Hodel e da Fred Sexton. Non a caso, Steve Hodel in Black Dahlia Avenger riporta che la Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short si era recata a Chicago prima di passare per Long Beach nel 1946. La Short era ospite di Jack Chernau a Chicago (civico 7107 di Grand Avenue e Blackstone Hotell) e, secondo le indiscrezioni,  indagava sul killer del rossetto e conosceva alcuni poliziotti che seguivano il caso, con il colpevole che erroneamente era ritenuto all’epoca essere Bill Heirens. L’interesse di Elizabeth sul caso è l’ennesima dimostrazione del fatto che Heirens era innocente e che i colpevoli erano Hodel e Sexton, che poi hanno eliminato Elizabeth stessa in quanto si era opposta ai sadici desideri di Hodel, ossessionato dal volere al suo fianco Elizabeth Short, in riferimento alla pianista che si chiamava come l’aspirante attrice.Come si evince dalla foto al link https://www.ebay.com/itm/1951-Press-Photo-Sgt-W-N-Hildebrand-and-Lt-M-H-Martin-Clyde-Duber-/353273058564 , Duber era legato al comparto militare (nello specifico al sergente Hildebrand ed al tenente Martin).

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